I am amazed by the huge amount of pozitive energy I got back with from Raca; I still have some of it, but it is maybe also from the season, since I always feel better in fall.
Oh well, here are some wonderful photos (taken from our car, we were in to big a hurry to stop and take photos, but I still think they are worth it):
just look at all that green grass! that is my absolute favourite colour in the world!
The main activity back at home was arranging my books in the new library, and I had lots of help from my beautiful nieces! Teodora is already so big, she's first year in school and was very enthusiastic about showing me what she has done until now, I'm just sorry I didn't take some photos, still I could photograph my second helping hand, Flavia, while she was carrying books for me:
she really carried some books!
and here's the final product, the only problem is we lost one board and so I had to put the books above over the other ones, but this is of course a temporary solution. I have to say here that I am so happy my brother-in -law bought the Jules Verne huge white collection; I have been wanting this collection since childhood!!!
Some snapshots of my wild garden:
And here's how I want it to look like in a few years, like my neighbour's garden:
All in due time, it's hard to take care of two places!
Last night Jackie surprised us by practically wagging her tail! so her sense in coming bak! hurraaaayyyy!!!
Here is she playing with a box, Maru, beware, you're getting serious competition!!!!
and here's Eisidisi reading "The Ranch" (which I finished, by the way) with me on Sunday evening:
and Jackie taking a little nap (what is it with these cats and books???)
she always has this face...
and Sheeba trying to wake her, no chance buddy!
In the end here are the shoes I'm wearing today, some of my favourite ones (but then, all shoes are my favourites...hmmm):
and a detail of one of my outfits from last week, I forgot to post it, even though I was really proud of it!
So now that I've taken you on a trip from the country to the city, and into my office at work, all that's left is to say bye bye and may you have a wonderful week!
Bisous and thanks for stopping by!
Hmmmmmmmmmm,ca de obicei e placut cu tine in calatorie-virtual-,locurile sunt minunate,iar dupa cum spui te incarca pozitiv,e normal fiind locul unde ai copilarit,dupa cum se observa din imagini este un colt de rai siiiiii normal ca nu ai rata ocazia sa faci o poza si animalului tau preferat -calul.
RăspundețiȘtergerePisicutele .....Jakie...cu siguranta colinda prin cetatea Vaticanului......Eisidisi doarme ca un copil caruia ii citesti o poveste.
OOOOOO, era sa uit ...pantofi ,faini(ca la noi in banat).
uaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m-ai atins la corason cu partea cu pisicile...vezi, eu nu m-am gandit asa, dar ai dreptate!!!
RăspundețiȘtergerePeisaje superbe, pisici superbe,pantofi, etc... deci le iubesc cand le vad cum stau ele lipite de tine ( si de carti). Chiar ca ai o avere imensa si ma gandesc ca asta nu ii toata, iar nepotica ta este o scumpa cum te ajuta ea la aranjatul cartilor, mai putin si o sa inceapa sa ia cate una la citit.
RăspundețiȘtergereSper sa citeasca amandoua cand vor fi mari, sper sa le placa sa citeasca la fel de mult cum ii place mamicii lor sau matusii lor, ca sigur au carti destule cat pentru doua vieti!
ȘtergereYour heels are beautiful! Love your nature photos! Those cats and that beautiful boy are just adorable ;)
RăspundețiȘtergereLA By Diana Live Magazine