marți, 18 septembrie 2012

Small treasures....

Here are some of the small treasures I found during this weekend:
a little bit of Mozart...
 a little bit of religious music.....
 a little bit of Mozart once more, I guess it's obvious who my favourite is.....
 Jackie was curious too!...
 a little bit of Gheorghe Zamfir...
 of course a little bit of rock!....
 And these are my gifts from last Christmas: sweet Bach Christmas music:
And ...what else? Mozart again!

 Here's a little sneak peek at a small part of my library: of course it's a mess:
 just as my nightstand is:
 And here is the gift I made myself for Christmas...or was it Easter?? Daruieste-mi aripi (Give me wings/Schenk mir Flugel) by Heinz Janisch
 a wonderful, wonderful book...

 I just looove the drawings...
....they make me smile! I hope I could make you smile a little bit too!
Until next time,


all photos belong to

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