joi, 22 decembrie 2011

beauty in our eyes....

     Is it just me, or good people are beautiful people?? And happier??
     Mabe my observation comes from the Christmas spirit, since I tend to be more meditative during the cold season, but this is something I suspected a long time ago...and it prooves to me to be more real each time I meet nice people.
      So, my humble advice is to be nice with everyone, especially in this time of the year, help if you can and smile, smile all the time, you will see you are beautiful!
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 p.s. I looove Christmas food!

vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

weekend post....

Hi guys,
yep....winter is here....Christmas is near...but where is the SNOW??? I miss it hugely, don't you??Right now I'm sitting at my desk in the office and I thought about writing a good- feeling post....
I am listening to...
....although I never watched the video...I don't care about it, I am "hopelessly" inlove with the lyrics....:)
And because last night me and my better half were "hunting" for Christmas presents for more than 3 hours...I thought.....yep....Christmas is coming, wether we have the snow or is definetly coming....
And as I was pouring myself another cup of coffee I thought to share with you one of my gulty pleasures....: I never drink coffee from a cup without its plate
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...yep....snobby I know...but that's just me....and I really think coffee goes awsome with oranges...since I just ate one and instantly wanted to drink another cup, although I already drank one just half an hour ago...
We bought a Christmas tree (in a pot with earth, so it is alive! and we can use it for the next few years, until I will plant it!) and we argued abut gold and red or blue ornaments for it...but I finally won...since, truly, I think the Christmas tree should have at least gold globes and all, if not with red....
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.....just look how good these three colours work together....and though some of you might say gold ornaments are kitsch...well I can't means holiday, luxury, life, SPARK and spirit....nobility and welfare...and together with the screams of joy of living! And what is Christmas if not the joy of the Birth of Christ?
 Nativity-Ghirlandaio (1480's)

That is how I feel and I am all for it!

       And might I add that I am simply inlove with Christmas cards...I loved them since I was little and my mom used to receive dozens which I pinned in notebooks (I still have some left at home probably...)
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 ...and I think that most people love the idea of the tree near the fireplace....with tons of gifts under it...., with a rocking chair next to it...and carols in the background....
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       All what's missing from my imagination is the snow...which probably won't come for Christmas this year....oh, where are my childhood years (!?), when snow started to fall weeks before Christmas......
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Oh well....even so, let's try to make the most of it and have a great time...listen to Christmas songs, eat cookies and baked apples, oranges and nuts....kiss under the mistletoe, have long evening walks in the cold....embellish our lovely homes and find joy in simple things like we once did...when we were kids.

Until next time.....Bisous!

miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2011

The Devil's Whore...

When at home at Raca I watched this movie...:
official wallpaper, google images
which shocked me deeply. It is the story of young Angelica Fanshaw, a close person to the court of an England-an England goin full speed for Reformation, especially of the Monarchy. It is the time of Earnest John Lilburne, a "free man" speaking for the poor and needy, not being afraid of punishment from  the rich, criticizing the monarchy and all of noble birth.
            As main character, Angelica depicts the innocent, but strong kind of woman, whom by some wicked twist of fate looses all priviledges and most off all, looses what everyone holds dearest: Love. It first starts with the loss of her mother, whom she loses in favour of God. When the English monarchy imposes Reformation over the Church, her mother, a fervent catholic, decides to go to France and lock herself in a monastery there, leaving Angela behind. In that moment Angelica began to hate God, and when she shouts to the sea that there is no God there she sees the Devil on a branch laughing at her.

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            When she marries her childhood friend- Harry - for her passion unleashed he admonishes her and asks her to "be a lady" in bed.But still, they are happy until Oliver Cromwell and his army decide to bring down the king.
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His army goes from palace to palace across the land and asks their surrender or they will be executed. When it comes to Angelica's husband turn, he would fight against Cromwell, but since Angelica decides to stay by his side, he has no other option but to surrender the castle. As they flee to the King, the latter is disapointed with Harry and decides to execute him. As Harry is being shot, as Angelica thinks it is her fault, since she disobeied him by not leaving the castle, she once more sees the devil laughing.
           Sent away from court, she strays on the streets of London, cold and hungry, and two rich men find her and argue who should bring her in his room, but Master Jolliffe saw her first, so he has the "honour " to invite her to dine with him. After she eats, Jolliffe wants his "reward", but as she tries to escape kills him by accident. She steals his clothes and runs away.
          Now I forgot to mention the most important character in the story! It is Sexby, ex-mercenary, ex-soldier, whom sees Angelica for the first time during her wedding, and utterly falls in love with her. He is the most important character in the story for me for he is the incarnation of the wandering chevalier, whom always comes to the rescue of the lady he loves, even though he knows she will never love him.
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I loved the scene where, after the wedding the bride throws her garter, one of the noblemen catch it, but when he gets into the yard Sexby holds him at knifepoint and takes the garter from him. From that moment on he will always carry it with him. He ends up this time saving Angelica from Jolliffe's revenge seeking friend, and he will keep this habit from now on, appearing everytime she is in need. They even get married, but only with the name, since each one goes his own way.
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            Before marring Sexby, Angelica remarries at some point Cromwell's right hand- Thomas Rainsborough-but he gets killed by some men of Cromwell, since the latter at some point decides to keep the monarchy
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(this is in the movie, I really do not remember what history really tells about this part...I should really re-read ":The history of England" by Andre Maurois)
official Romanian bok cover

      The next time Sexby saves her is when she falls in love with a young man, paid by Jolliffe's friend to lure her and disgrace her in open public, by drugging her and wanting to rape her in front of all people, and thus also confirming what was said about the obscurity of the company Angelica was in -the "preachers"- a group of anarchists trying to live together in peace, having no possesions of their own, but all in common. Like everytime something like this occurs, the rich didn't see such a society with good eyes, so they wanted this "band"'s reputation distroyed. Sexby arrives just in time to kill the young traitor and save Angelica. Even now she can't realize she loves him.
       But, as in all stories romantic, she finally understands that she is in love with the one man that always stood by her, no matter how big her mistakes, and she stays brave while he goes to London to assasinate the Lord Protector on his coronation day. Such a calm scene, when by the gate of her manshion Sexby asks if she understands what he must be...and she sais "yourself"!
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Then he tells her that if she hears the coronation bells  she must flee to France, for he surely will be dead, since he wouldn't let himself be caught; and that is what happened. Not ling afterwords Cromwell dies of some disease and the Monarchy returns to England.

       Their first and last love night with Sexby brings a gift: Elisabeth, whom sees only sky and leaves where once her mother saw the devil, by the sea shores where the latter lost her mother. So the circle closes,  England is purified and the waters settle over it once Anglicanism settles in as a new pure soul is born, whom would see freedom, love and most of all peace, all these under the weakening, older and wiser eyes of a reborn Angelica Fanshaw.
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        I am once again convinced that history provides us with th most believable contexts, the most thrilling stories and the best characters ever......and although I must say Angelica is a fictional one, the American producers always know how to squeeze an enchanting story out of a history (and romance)-based film.
       And because I think that Angelica is the image of a strong woman, fearless and decided to survive, surrounded by men underestimating her and all women in that age, and also because I think that what her enemies thaught about her is exactly depicted in the next two paragraphs,I added these 2 downhere, only because I think they serve better for the understanding of the hatred Joliffe and others had for this woman.
       Still,  she never was anyone's whore, despite what the low-lives tried to proove, although she always guided herself after Reason, but in that age a woman wasn't supposed to reason, but to obey....

Reason is the Devil’s greatest whore; by nature and manner of being she is a noxious whore; she is a prostitute, the Devil’s appointed whore; whore eaten by scab and leprosy who ought to be trodden under foot and destroyed, she and her wisdom … Throw dung in her face to make her ugly. She is and she ought to be drowned in baptism… She would deserve, the wretch, to be banished to the filthiest place in the house, to the closets.”
[Martin Luther, Erlangen Edition v. 16, pp. 142-148]
And again
But since the devil’s bride, Reason, that pretty whore, comes in and thinks she’s wise, and what she says, what she thinks, is from the Holy Spirit, who can help us, then? Not judges, not doctors, no king or emperor, because [reason] is the Devil’s greatest whore.
[Martin Luther's Last Sermon in Wittenberg ... Second Sunday in Epiphany, 17 January 1546.Dr. Martin Luthers Werke: Kritische Gesamtausgabe. (Weimar: Herman Boehlaus Nachfolger, 1914), Band 51:126, Line 7ff]
  (p.s. thanks and for the photos, otherwise scarce on the web)

A movie really worth seeing! But until next time,

joi, 10 noiembrie 2011

why this absence...

Since I had a short holiday last week (trying to relax a little), and having to pick it up from where I left it at work...I can only write a few words for now, but I assure you I'll be back asap...
In the meantime I've watched the first two episodes of....

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...and if you're into this kind of NOT hesitate to watch it!
Of course I would watch anything Jeremy Irons starrs in....but that's just me :D...

miercuri, 26 octombrie 2011

joi, 20 octombrie 2011


Saptamana trecut m-am uitat la un film care m-a uimit din cale-afara de tare, si anume "Enid". Cu Helena Bonham-Carter (poate va aminiti de ea din A hazard of hearts-dupa cartea Barbarei Cartland). Una dintre cele mai talentate actrite ale secolului XXI, dupa parerea mea! Si iata inca o data ca am dreptate:
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Enid (H.B.-C.), o scriitoare prolifica de carti pentru copii din Anglia (daca o sa aveti curiozitatea sa o cautati pe Wikipedia o sa gasiti ca a scris in jur de 600 de carti!) este sora mai mare intr-o familie in care mama si tatal nu se inteleg, iar tatal ii paraseste si pleaca cu amanta. Enid creste cu impresia ca tatal ei a fost nevoit din cauza mamei sa plece, si nicidecum ca i-ar fi parasit de bunavoie, si la varsta potrivita pleaca la scoala, devine profesoara si se apuca de scris carti de povesti pentru copii, despre locuri unde orice copil necajit poate sa se refugieze, despre familii ideale si prieteni imaginari, creaturi incredibile si locuri minunate...
Toti editorii ii "trantesc usa in nas", pana la Hugh Pollock (Matthew Macfadyen, I love you from Pride and Prejudice!!!), care o lanseaza si o si ia de nevasta.
Ii face acestuia 2 fete, pe care le creste ca la cazarma, fara pic de dragoste materna, ci mai degraba cu o fatada de mama buna, fiind total si sincer impresionata de copiii admiratori ce venau in vizita, si de cei care ii scriau mii de scrisori admirative, dar nefiind in stare sa arate un dram de afectiune fata de propriile-i fetite. Le trimite pe rand la internat, iar intre timp Hugh pleaca la razboi si ajunge sa il insele cu un doctor surd, pentru care pana la urma il si paraseste. Ca sa obtina divortul pe motiv ca ar fi inselat-o el (desi nu era adevarat!) il santajeaza cu dreptul de a isi vedea fetitele Hanly si Imogen (cat de frumos poate fi numele asta????) dar pana la urma ori de cate ori bietul om suna din armata fetele ba sunt in vizita nu stiu unde, ba invata, deci oricum nu se tine de promisiune.
Sincer nu inteleg ce o fi putut sa ii faca omul ala sa il pedepseasca asa, o venera asa de tare incat a ajuns sa bea ca un nebun din cauza ei, dar culmea e ca dupa ce nu au mai fost impreuna s-a lasat de baut...
Oricum, filmul mi-a lasat un gust amar si m-a contratriat in acelasi timp....cum este posibil sa iubesti doar un ideal....copiii...copilaria......inocenta, si cand ai proprii tai copii sa traiesti inca in fi oarecum geloasa pe inocenta copiilor tai si sa nu ii iubesti decat mereu bantuita de imaginea tatalui de fapt nu a fost asa de perfect.....
Spre final e vizitata de unul din fratii ei, pe care nu a mai vrut sa ii vada dupa ce a plecat de acasa, si care o invita la inmormantarea mamei lor (dupa ce povestise tuturor ca mama ei murise dedemult....), si care o intreaba de ce i-a parasit, de ce nu le-a raspuns la scrisori, ei cu ce i-au gresit??? spargandu-i in acelasi timp "balonul de sapun" despre tatal lor, pe care ea il considera, sau vroia sa il creada un sfant. Presupun ca acest lucru s-a intamplat si din cauza ca (si aici trebuie sa emfasez faptul ca asta am dedus eu personal din prima parte a filmului!) in copilarie mama le acordase mai multa atentie baietilor, in timp ce tatal o baga si pe Enid in seama la fel de mult, poate chiar mai mult decat pe baieti...
In final Enid innebuneste, uita multe lucruri (Alzheimer?) si doctorul ramane singur sa aiba grija de ea, singuri in casa imensa si prea linistita si goala (asa cum o vede si ea la final), casa cumparata din banii castigati cu cartile ei, lucru pe care nu l-a lasat niciodata pe Hugh sa uite.
In rest ce sa mai adaug? scenariu superb, actori minunati, intriga perfecta pentru o seara linistita de toamna, cand nu vrei sa iti bati creierul cu idei ascunse, ci vrei doar o poveste a unor oameni deosebiti, momentele in care Enid creeaza m-au lasat cu gura cascata si salivand dupa toate cartile ei.....

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google images astfel ii iertam pacatele....pentru ca a lasat lumii o mostenire extraordinara!

vineri, 14 octombrie 2011

what hit me today....

photo credits: google images

Anja Konstantinova for Style Stalker “Baby’s on Fire” by Darren McDonald...source:

Have a splendid wekend, I know I will!

miercuri, 12 octombrie 2011

If he loves you...

...he will bring you least that is what our grandmothers thaught!
Well, I am old fashioned myself, I truly believe in the message of a flower (or an entire bush of violet margrets....for that the ones from my birthday...:D), but, well.....I received yesterday something I really didn't expect...from my better half....
Romanian ELLE issue
...especially because he's not into magazines, and even more ..not into pink anything! But he heard me mumbling about how I need to get it...and since he arrived late from work last night he probably wanted to compensate for living me alone for so long....
So...the gesture is the one that always counts, especially when your man is getting something he has no idea about...and I trully have to laugh loudly when I think of the seller's face when he bought the pink magazine...that must have been a view to remember!!!

marți, 11 octombrie 2011

cand se schimba ora?......

A venit toamna, si nu numai atat, ci chiar de ziua mea (in 8) mi s-a parut ca afara era gerul de pe lume!! Imi era prea frig si sa ies pe balcon sa mai aduc cate o bere la vreun invitat... ca, vrut sa sarbatoresc "imbatranirea"cu armata de prieteni...asa ca am chemat vro 20 de bucati pe la bea in sanatatea mea....:). ei bine, pe aceasta cale vreau sa le multumesc si pentru pentru MINUNATELE cadouri pe care mi le-au facut (promit solemn sa le fac poze la toate...pana nu mananc nu se ofilesc florile...)!!! Si pentru ca nu mi-a fost de ajuns.....duminica au mai venit am tras un karaoke miorlait de cred ca si acuma ma injura vecinii...dar nah...odata implineste omu' 28 de ani....
Multumesc multumesc multumesc tuturor, stiu ca ati venit cu sufletul deschis, sper ca v-ati simtit bine si va doresc tot binele din lume!

miercuri, 28 septembrie 2011

what kept me awake last night (part II)

"A broken song
A broken line
Is all I have
And want tonight.
I felt despair
But now I see light
I can free my thoughts
The best way I can
Thank you for guidance
Thank you for sound
Thank you for this heart
Thank you for all.
As bleeding makes me alive
I think my way in life
And listening to the voice
I am feeling so alot.
My insignificance I deny
I do not wanna believe
What I was thinking 'till now.
Mabe no sense I make
Mabe no one will like
My words, my own
I have them all.
Will someone ever hear me?
Will someone ever care?
who cares? I don't 
I do not feel blind anymore.
I feel alive only in ache
I wanna do something
I need to feel alive,
I'm dizzy from all this sleep.

Wake me up as soon as you see
That I am different
Believe in me
Like I believe in you.
Why am I doing this?
I have no idea
I just Live and Love
Live and Love with me!"

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

The most beautiful things on earth...

....must trully be...
Classical Music:
.....Old building on Green grass....
                                                             (Dundrum Castle, Ireland)
...and misty wild nature.....


miercuri, 14 septembrie 2011

no time for posts.....

because I't too busy downloading this kind of books from the Internet, and even more busy trying to descifer just a little bit out of them.....
'Till this phase passes, I wish you all good reading and give you des...

vineri, 9 septembrie 2011

the Library of Alexandria.... one wonder of the world I really regret...'s a manuscript from the 14th Century, depicting this special library, kept in the Beinecke Yale University Library (about which I will have a great story one of these days)...You remember Alexandria Library was lost for ever in a terrible sad!
Have a nice weekend, I know I will -I'm going to Raca! And I'm going to read alot!

Aaaaaa...and for your delight.....

joi, 8 septembrie 2011

Die Jagt nach der Heiligen Lanze...

      My heroes from the last post echanted me last night with yet another adenture- filled movie, which kept me awake untill midnight...

       This time they were searching for the Holy Lance...the lance of Longinus, the Roman soldier who used it to pierce Jesus' chest when he was on the cross. It is also called the Spear of Destiny since it is believed that all great conquerors were in its possesion-from Alexander the Great to Napoleon.
       My heroes searced for it from Schiller's and Goethe's tomb up to the Brandemburg Gate in Berlin, where under the equvestrian statue of Victory there should be an ancient temple (probably old catacombs) for the protection of the Spear. After some great adventures spiced-up by the humour I'm already getting to know, my heroes found the Spear.
       Of course, there could not have been a good plot without a bad guy- in the person of Graf von Haan, played by an actor I already know from some other movies-Jurgen Prochnow. The Graf takes the Spear, but believing he became invincible like al the other great rulers, he dies "toasted" by the trap made by Goethe when he hid the Lance.
       Once again I found bad reviews on the Internet, but I'm to bored to post them here. I liked it, period!
I will search for these movies and try to download them from the Internet...I hope I' ll find them....

miercuri, 7 septembrie 2011

Schatz der Nibelungen...

    Last night I was captured by a new "old "obsession.... a legend like you now I love....with dragons and heroes of old, beautiful maidens and long dresses and tresses....
I knew another movie, exactly about the legend itself.... which the end is the clip above...(I'm inlove with that song btw...)
And today, while I was searching for the movie I watched last night, I found this:

If you are curious avout the story and know German (after all, this is a German legend!), this is the way to quickly be updated on the story of Siegfried and Kriemhilde....

But the movie that kept me awake last night is actually situated in the present Koln...
official walpaper, source google images

It actually starts with a researcher, Maria...dying in a rock crash. She was actually searching for clues to the Niebelungen Schatz...The Treasure of the Nebelungs, and just before she dies on the Rugen Island, she gives her husband, Eik, who survives the crash, an amulet, which will later turn out to be one of the four clues leading to the treasure. The second clue is a golden hand,
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 which, guess what??? actually does exist in Aachen!
 the third is a mitre with a jewel inside, and the fourth is the cap of the bust of Charlemagne (Carolus Magnus- i.e. in Latin).
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 ...which, guess exists also!

All these clues bring Eik (the main character), the gorgeus researcher Katharina and the clumsy Justus, all very literate people...professors, after all....on a wild chase for the Hoard...which turnes out to be behind a waterfall near Neuschwanstein Castle
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(which I don't have to tell you it does exist, right??).
            Of course, like in any modern movie, there must be some bad guys trying their best to steal the treasure, and this time there are two kinds: first there is an old rich man, Herr Brenner, who hopes to gain immortality by drinking the dragon blood from the vile which is believed to be with the treasure, and an old colleague of Eik, Andre, who was first hired by Brenner, but he betrayed the latter and shot him because he wanted the treasure for himself, especially Siegfried's sword (Balmung, if I'm not mistakeing). In trying to get the sword the ice covering part of the treasure brakes and Andre is swept down and crushed.
           With both bad guys dead, Eik, Katharina and Justus escape, only the latter managing to take Siegfried's magic invisible-making cape, which doesn't work in the end.....nice, eh?
            I forgot to mention, and so did the German producer, or mabe he left it to the watchers of the movie to discover for themselves..., that Eik and late Maria's daughter is called Krimi (coming from Kriemhilde probably...:D), isn't that nice??
            And like also even the old Brenner observed, Eik means oak, a tall, old and wise, growing tree, strong and enduring, but in the Norse mythology it was the tree symbol of Thor, the god of thunder (having a hammer as his weapon....eeeh...does it ring a bell?), the protector of mankind, a healer and responsible for fertility (partial source- Wikipedia ; and I say partial because some of  that I already knew myself!....:D). Doesn't this small info give more pleasure in watching the movie?
           When I was googleing today for the poster of the movie which you can see on the top I found a comment not very to my liking for this movie, since, as I already told you, I enjoyed the movie alot. I wonder what would anyone expect from a relic- hunter movie?? I didn't appreciate their tone when they were talking about German movies in general, as they are like Japanese movies, predictible and made after a pattern. The author of  the article probably is not very familiar to American movies, which all have the same boring plot and 'happy end'....should I go further than the last Indiana Jones...or mabe the Librarian II???? (p.s. here: I loved the Librarian I!!!, also, the second was ok, but still cheesy, but I'm a sucker for cheesy relic-hunter movies....)

Anyway, the writer of the article made me laugh from all my heart when she wrote:

"         In a way, it’s unfair. Spielberg and Lucas built a lot of their sets from scratch using sweat and plywood, but TCC just needed the right permits from the German Tourist or Antiquities Board to go hopping from one ancient pile of stonework to another with nary a care in the world. 
          You just don’t feel that a justified sense of industry has gone into the filming of Cologne Cathedral because, hey, it’s already centuries old and was just hanging around, waiting for a film crew to exploit it. Because of this, TCC (particularly in its second half) resembles more kids playing around Famous Tourist Sites of Germany than a serious mystery. ” 

          Now, why is a plywood set better than the real places?? Doesn't this give more value to the movie. I thaught that this would bring more weight to the movie, isn't it? And why should the German producer not use the real places?? like the old cathedral, or museum?? Why not use them if we have them????? This is really absurd in my opinion!!!!
And excuse me, but if someone does not know these particular " Famous Tourist Sites of Germany", which so happens to be, were already there in the time of Charlemagne (once again more weight and precious images! and well done to the producer!) and are unknown to the watcher of the movie, than I suggest someone should read more  legends! And I can't say I feel sorry for saying this,  but I believe the story of the Ring of the Niebelungs to be one of essential meaning for general culture and background knowledge!

With that being said  I hope I convinced you all to watch this movie, and I tell you I feel like once again the German producers have convinced me about their potential for making good movies! In this respect you can also read my article:

luni, 5 septembrie 2011

freakin' Monday!!!!

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today I felt like the Alice in Wonderland Rabbit drawn by Tim Burton....after to much stress and tooo much coffee......

joi, 1 septembrie 2011

Guess what????!!!! I'm not a robot!

You're vulnerable, you're vulnerable
You are not a robot
You're loveable, so loveable
But you're just troubled

Guess what? I'm not a robot, a robot
Guess what? I'm not a robot, a robot

Sounds great, isn't it???
I'm inlove with this song...I just can't stop listening to it....I really think the verses represent me...
I'm not a robot eigther!
Look, I'm inlove with tons of things.....
from that to...
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or to...
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..:D...yeah...I know.....but I can't help it, I love small doggies...:D
...or this....
...could there have been such a post without SHOES???? especially Louboutins...
google images I'm actually doing black currant jam....:d....when I get home....
I've received the berries 3 days ago, but I understood they must rest with sugar before boilling...
In the meantime, since I became 50% raw fooder...I've made some jam for that manner:
...berries, lemon slices and honey...and a small piece of basil...on top....must shake them twice a day...and in 6 weeks..finished the jam! can't wait to taste it....:D
....and here are other things that I like, or am!!!!????
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....and yes! I am that kind of gal' that loves girly socks and fluffy skirts in pastel.....
but also....:
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and as the above song sais:
     "Better to be hated than loved, loved, loved for what you're not!"
isn't it????
And let's continue....
with some more eye candy....
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..I just love cups and kitchen and....
and interior design.....
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...and lovely garden refuge places.....
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fruits and veggies....
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....and Pink.....
...and jewellery...
and of course...
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tea with books!forever books! So, I believe that with such differences in taste I musn't be a robot yet! not just yet! The society didn't change me much...or at all?

Ah hoping you liked my selection of fave things.....
....and until next time!