" [...] How this is possible, I do not know, but I'm trying a foreboding feeling, like something isn't right, and something has ended, as well as something else has begun. As the Sun and the Moon face each other on the same autumn sky, there can be no mistake in the omen, something will go bad, or some powers in this world are already at work, not understood or known. Wasn't there an old saying...When the Sun and the Moon meet?...used only for impossible situations. Well, if the impossible has become possible in this case, who knows what else can be done? What will the influence of these two gods be for the poor ants crawling on the face of the Earth? But wait, these poor ants as I've just called them have rose above their humble status, they change everything in their path; so maybe the reason why today I'm witnessing this miracle is of their doing. Maybe this sign is meant as a warning, as to dangerous time to come...
A strange thing...to see the moon while basking in the golden light of the last warm sun of the year....autumn is almost spent, winter is coming....
I'll take this as a sign, more as a warning, from the gods, and will humble myself and start looking for an answer. Some ancient scroll must hold this secret...[...]"
luni, 10 noiembrie 2014
luni, 20 octombrie 2014
Sad impressions on women versus society
Due to some uninteresting events of this past weekend, I've come to think of the sad role we, women, have come to play in this strange society. I may not be the first, not the last to speak about the de-personification of women nowadays, but I really felt the need to put in writing some of the thoughts I've been having for some time now.
The truth is that, although we have emancipated ourselves from the fearful and weak persons we used to be, we have also lost some of our charms due to this struggle. I read somewhere and I can't remember where that we are learned even as small girls to wait for prince charming, our childhood stories are full of beautiful princesses, so that, unconsciously, we are prepared even from our childhood, for a life of aspiring to absolute beauty and the perfect love. Now these are not terrible things, but once the girl who read this stories grows, and she becomes a woman, she will still aspire to be beautiful for this prince charming of hers, and such is her need of recognition, that she came to be this over-labeled, over expectant, over demanding woman that we all come to see one day. Everywhere you look, you can see restrictions into which the modern woman must fit: her overall aspect, her weight, her wits, her career, etc.
Of course you will say that not all women need to fit into this pattern, that there are so many independent women out there who do not feel the need to justify themselves, but I ask myself why must we come to the need to impress even with this rebellion against all the restrictions society throws in our faces, when have we become so twisted and unnatural that we need to prove something that we already are?
I must admit I am scared to see our young women (not that I am very old, sic!) but I mean the young girls today whom will become the wives and mothers of tomorrow, trying so hard to fit into the pattern. When you feel that society will give you less attention, and subsequently you will have less success if you don't look the part; it is only normal to want to play the part and be the best. I am only saddened by this urge to try and look best for men, because they are the main reason, our " charming princes", which we feel the need to impress.
The nasty part is that young girls are easily seduced, easily impressed and influenced. It is practically impossible, now that women are "free", to pose restrictions on them, and normally, they won't know that to do with their freedom and will surely make a poor job of using their youth to their best advantage, hurrying down a path towards unhappy lives and unfulfilled dreams.
Though I am a convinced feminist, just like my boyfriend and close friends always tell me, I am realistic when it comes to watching women all around me; and no matter how much it hurts me to admit it, this is a man's world. They dictate everything, from the way we dress to please them to the jobs we take, even if just to impress and prove that we are equal.
I felt the need to try to explain that I don't see me better than others, then I renounced the idea, that is not the scope of this post; but I merely wanted to express my thoughts on the sad feeling that I'm having about women being treated like objects, and the even sadder thing that they not only silently agree to it, but they also contribute to this process. I know many will raise eyebrows when reading this, and even more will say that I am not only writing clichees, but that this subject has been so long debated that it lost its shine.
I have to disagree with all of them, because disrespect towards women is not an old issue, but a never ending, never-getting-old one, it happens every day, right under our noses. You will say that nobody forces them to be like puppets, but I say that once you know no other possibility to exist out there, you will do as you see around you, especially if the social pressure demands it.
We have fought to wear pants, and we have fought to wear short skirts, now I see wonderful women, with good jobs and money, wearing almost nothing and reducing themselves to a mere doll, just to please their partners and hold them by their side with fear of another one, more seductive, coming and whisking them away. We think ourselves elegant and original, when in fact we often do not even realize we are passing the thin line between sexy and obscene. I hate the word "sexy", because it is a really really sexist and denigrating word. When have we stopped being attractive and became sex slaves? Because we are slaves to this society and slaves to our own insecurities, and this word expresses all these terrible things in just four letters, to which we aspire so much, without even thinking.
I wonder if our women forefathers, the ones who fought for us to have the right to wear anything we want, to have children or not, to have a different status in our marriages, to have the jobs we dream of, to be able to speak our minds freely without the fear of being shunt by society would cry over our lost right, over our self-imposed slavery and over our pig-headed insistence to deny the truth...
I would try in vain to draw a conclusion to this idea, because this is a never-ending cycle, I unfortunately have no solution to this dilemma, I have absolutely no idea what we should make, besides demand more respect, and treat everyone else around us like we wanted to be treated ourselves. It is, however difficult to demand respect with our skimpy clothes, short skirts and high heels; if we want to be treated differently, we must shake down the shackles of fashion and society; we must no longer rebel against good-taste and elegance, but try and make people appreciate us for who we are and not for what we look like. Otherwise, we will never be taken serious, no matter how big our paycheck is.
The truth is that, although we have emancipated ourselves from the fearful and weak persons we used to be, we have also lost some of our charms due to this struggle. I read somewhere and I can't remember where that we are learned even as small girls to wait for prince charming, our childhood stories are full of beautiful princesses, so that, unconsciously, we are prepared even from our childhood, for a life of aspiring to absolute beauty and the perfect love. Now these are not terrible things, but once the girl who read this stories grows, and she becomes a woman, she will still aspire to be beautiful for this prince charming of hers, and such is her need of recognition, that she came to be this over-labeled, over expectant, over demanding woman that we all come to see one day. Everywhere you look, you can see restrictions into which the modern woman must fit: her overall aspect, her weight, her wits, her career, etc.
Of course you will say that not all women need to fit into this pattern, that there are so many independent women out there who do not feel the need to justify themselves, but I ask myself why must we come to the need to impress even with this rebellion against all the restrictions society throws in our faces, when have we become so twisted and unnatural that we need to prove something that we already are?
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source: Google images |
The nasty part is that young girls are easily seduced, easily impressed and influenced. It is practically impossible, now that women are "free", to pose restrictions on them, and normally, they won't know that to do with their freedom and will surely make a poor job of using their youth to their best advantage, hurrying down a path towards unhappy lives and unfulfilled dreams.
Though I am a convinced feminist, just like my boyfriend and close friends always tell me, I am realistic when it comes to watching women all around me; and no matter how much it hurts me to admit it, this is a man's world. They dictate everything, from the way we dress to please them to the jobs we take, even if just to impress and prove that we are equal.
I felt the need to try to explain that I don't see me better than others, then I renounced the idea, that is not the scope of this post; but I merely wanted to express my thoughts on the sad feeling that I'm having about women being treated like objects, and the even sadder thing that they not only silently agree to it, but they also contribute to this process. I know many will raise eyebrows when reading this, and even more will say that I am not only writing clichees, but that this subject has been so long debated that it lost its shine.
I have to disagree with all of them, because disrespect towards women is not an old issue, but a never ending, never-getting-old one, it happens every day, right under our noses. You will say that nobody forces them to be like puppets, but I say that once you know no other possibility to exist out there, you will do as you see around you, especially if the social pressure demands it.
We have fought to wear pants, and we have fought to wear short skirts, now I see wonderful women, with good jobs and money, wearing almost nothing and reducing themselves to a mere doll, just to please their partners and hold them by their side with fear of another one, more seductive, coming and whisking them away. We think ourselves elegant and original, when in fact we often do not even realize we are passing the thin line between sexy and obscene. I hate the word "sexy", because it is a really really sexist and denigrating word. When have we stopped being attractive and became sex slaves? Because we are slaves to this society and slaves to our own insecurities, and this word expresses all these terrible things in just four letters, to which we aspire so much, without even thinking.
I wonder if our women forefathers, the ones who fought for us to have the right to wear anything we want, to have children or not, to have a different status in our marriages, to have the jobs we dream of, to be able to speak our minds freely without the fear of being shunt by society would cry over our lost right, over our self-imposed slavery and over our pig-headed insistence to deny the truth...
I would try in vain to draw a conclusion to this idea, because this is a never-ending cycle, I unfortunately have no solution to this dilemma, I have absolutely no idea what we should make, besides demand more respect, and treat everyone else around us like we wanted to be treated ourselves. It is, however difficult to demand respect with our skimpy clothes, short skirts and high heels; if we want to be treated differently, we must shake down the shackles of fashion and society; we must no longer rebel against good-taste and elegance, but try and make people appreciate us for who we are and not for what we look like. Otherwise, we will never be taken serious, no matter how big our paycheck is.
luni, 22 septembrie 2014
on great expectations and greater dissapointments...
I've read somewhere, and not a long time ago, that "The primary reason for underachievement and failure is that the great majority of people don't decide to be successful"; a phrase attributed to Mr. Brian Tracy. I don't know who that is, I didn't have the time to look it up and see, maybe he's a writer with excellent ideas; and although I don't agree with the use of grammar in this phrase, I do agree with the core-idea of it. And I agree with it because I often see myself in it. I attribute my so little progress in life and career to my indecision, and I feel this phrase to express all my frustrations and fears.
There must really be a decision for an achievement; you must strongly and vividly want to achieve something, and only after you work hard for it, give it your energy and make it happen with all your resources; only then can you reach your desired outcome. I know that, and you know that, and everybody around us acknowledges it; but there's only a small majority that will really do something in this respect. The rest, just like me and any other ordinary person, will bow their heads and accept their fate and that which it brings to our plates.
I mean all this in every little aspect of our life, from choosing the right outfit, to choosing the right person to live with and to going on the right career path.
We're so caught up in our daily lives, comfy and sure, that we forget that, if we want more than just a simple dull life, we need to step out of our comfortable zone and do some uncomfortable things. Of course there are exceptions, of course there are those who receive it all on a silver platter, but those are just the lucky few, and we're more than likely never to be like that.
I've recently entered an argument with a person I care very much about, who asked me what I've accomplished so far, and why am I content with what I've got, rather than fighting for some more. I usually like to listen to what people have to say rather than give my own arguments, and afterwords think about what was said. And he's right, pinpointing exactly what the above phrase says to me every day, from the corner of my computer screen, where I've put it. I haven't decided yet to be successful; I haven't decided yet on finishing my book, maybe because I don't want it to end yet, I haven't decided to change my job which leaves me little to no time to write exactly the way I would want to write; I haven't decided to loose myself in my writing, because then everything else would disappear, and most of all I haven't decided to take the risk of being disappointed. Yes, I haven't decided to be successful at any cost, even that of my own happiness, because even though I am not completely happy with what I've got, at least I'm not hurting, not yet anyway...
But somewhere, in a dark corner of my mind, a small voice won't shut up, and it sometimes whispers that the hurt and regrets are just around the corner, and then all of this can no longer be completely ignored; and it gets harder day by day, just like the truth that my friend said to me has hurt more than I would like to admit.
We each have a different idea about accomplishment and what it will bring us, but I don't think I'm very far off when I say that it mostly includes material satisfaction in the first place, and the mental appease coming after that.
How strange is it that, in order to reach material satisfaction, sometimes you have to give up your current comfy material state and sacrifice your peace of mind? It's the period that's in between that scares me the most...and I bet I'm not the only one.
The nastiest of it all is that for some, the more we try the less we get, just because we block ourselves with hard feelings and regrets along the way; just like me for example, the more I force myself to write, the harder it is; but when I go through some happy or sad period, all I want to do is be left alone to write, and it all comes so easily then that I am mad that it's so hard at times, and so easy at others.
Of course nobody wants to be the kind of person who looks back on his or her life and regrets not doing this or that thing which could have brought him this or that thing...but where do we stop thinking about what could have been or what could be, and when do we start making choices?
Does that time ever come?
Is it bad to settle for less than complete satisfaction? and when do we know that we've reached that level? do we ever reach satisfaction?
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Sisyphys (1548–49) by Titian, thanks to Wikipedia |
There must really be a decision for an achievement; you must strongly and vividly want to achieve something, and only after you work hard for it, give it your energy and make it happen with all your resources; only then can you reach your desired outcome. I know that, and you know that, and everybody around us acknowledges it; but there's only a small majority that will really do something in this respect. The rest, just like me and any other ordinary person, will bow their heads and accept their fate and that which it brings to our plates.
I mean all this in every little aspect of our life, from choosing the right outfit, to choosing the right person to live with and to going on the right career path.
We're so caught up in our daily lives, comfy and sure, that we forget that, if we want more than just a simple dull life, we need to step out of our comfortable zone and do some uncomfortable things. Of course there are exceptions, of course there are those who receive it all on a silver platter, but those are just the lucky few, and we're more than likely never to be like that.
I've recently entered an argument with a person I care very much about, who asked me what I've accomplished so far, and why am I content with what I've got, rather than fighting for some more. I usually like to listen to what people have to say rather than give my own arguments, and afterwords think about what was said. And he's right, pinpointing exactly what the above phrase says to me every day, from the corner of my computer screen, where I've put it. I haven't decided yet to be successful; I haven't decided yet on finishing my book, maybe because I don't want it to end yet, I haven't decided to change my job which leaves me little to no time to write exactly the way I would want to write; I haven't decided to loose myself in my writing, because then everything else would disappear, and most of all I haven't decided to take the risk of being disappointed. Yes, I haven't decided to be successful at any cost, even that of my own happiness, because even though I am not completely happy with what I've got, at least I'm not hurting, not yet anyway...
But somewhere, in a dark corner of my mind, a small voice won't shut up, and it sometimes whispers that the hurt and regrets are just around the corner, and then all of this can no longer be completely ignored; and it gets harder day by day, just like the truth that my friend said to me has hurt more than I would like to admit.
We each have a different idea about accomplishment and what it will bring us, but I don't think I'm very far off when I say that it mostly includes material satisfaction in the first place, and the mental appease coming after that.
How strange is it that, in order to reach material satisfaction, sometimes you have to give up your current comfy material state and sacrifice your peace of mind? It's the period that's in between that scares me the most...and I bet I'm not the only one.
The nastiest of it all is that for some, the more we try the less we get, just because we block ourselves with hard feelings and regrets along the way; just like me for example, the more I force myself to write, the harder it is; but when I go through some happy or sad period, all I want to do is be left alone to write, and it all comes so easily then that I am mad that it's so hard at times, and so easy at others.
Of course nobody wants to be the kind of person who looks back on his or her life and regrets not doing this or that thing which could have brought him this or that thing...but where do we stop thinking about what could have been or what could be, and when do we start making choices?
Does that time ever come?
Is it bad to settle for less than complete satisfaction? and when do we know that we've reached that level? do we ever reach satisfaction?
luni, 11 august 2014
gypsy at heart...
Have you ever wondered how you would have turned up if you were born in another family? Is not our current self a sum of all happenings and persons found around us up until this very moment? Every new person is like a crack in the wall, like a pebble that changes just slightly the corse of your life's water...
We probably all like meeting new people, we are curious about new places and new customs, especially if their lives are relatively better then ours; or so we like to think. Nobody has it all, but we tend to forget that, and we always want something which is not meant for us; something that probably would change us beyond measure and need.
I for one long to have no worry in the world, roam the world without a certain purpose, be able to give up every little thing I own and be able to say that I don't give a damn about anything. Blessed are those without mundane cares, for they know the feeling of true freedom!
And let's not let ourselves be fooled by what we see here everyday, all around us and in every other person's life: there still are people who do not own one little thing, not even the cloth on their back, and are still happier then we will ever be!
I long to swirl my long flowery skirts by a camp fire, dance wildly beneath the moonlight, sing my lung out and cry without reserve...
When was the last time you laughed your heart out? I forgot....
We probably all like meeting new people, we are curious about new places and new customs, especially if their lives are relatively better then ours; or so we like to think. Nobody has it all, but we tend to forget that, and we always want something which is not meant for us; something that probably would change us beyond measure and need.
I for one long to have no worry in the world, roam the world without a certain purpose, be able to give up every little thing I own and be able to say that I don't give a damn about anything. Blessed are those without mundane cares, for they know the feeling of true freedom!
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Tiganca {Gypsy girl} by Theodor Aman- National Gallery Bucharest |
I long to swirl my long flowery skirts by a camp fire, dance wildly beneath the moonlight, sing my lung out and cry without reserve...
When was the last time you laughed your heart out? I forgot....
miercuri, 6 august 2014
how's your summer?
So far, how's your summer? Mine is well, with lots of rides, lots of friends keeping me company, lots of music, especially classical (because that's what I feel like listening to!) and lots of books. And I mean I haven't read this much in a long period of time, not even during wintertime. I feel like my time is passing me by and there's still so much I have to know, so many stories to unravel...
It's my despair of not being able to read it all that makes me start 3 or four books at once, and then read some more in between. And I'm dreaming...wide awake!
I dream of flowery meadows, of high chilly mountains, of sunflowers and beautiful English gardens, heavy dew on their roses...I dream of walking barefoot on fat grass,
...picking wild flowers for my dinner table, and berries for my breakfast...
letting my hair down and spinning around until nausea makes me lay on the tall grass and watch the puffy clouds go by.
Each morning when I wake up I wish I was somewhere in the woods, high up in the mountains, in a lodge cabin....
...with mist crawling through green moss trees,
the sun rays piercing the thick canopy and shedding gold flakes on the moss and ferns below...
Each afternoon I wish I was on a tartan picnic blanket, a basket full of goodies nearby...
iced tea and bumble bees around me, chasing butterflies down the hill side while not feeling anything but the relaxing warmth of the sun, because I'm all wrapped up in white fluffy and breezy cotton with beautiful French lace....
then I'm lazily drowsing in my hammock
...or reading beautiful old books, finding out about all species of flowers, butterflies, trees and yummy fruits...
What would my perfect summer be without galloping on the hills, barefoot and without saddle, my horse flying swiftly over miles and miles of grassy meadows, my hair blowing in the wind and my long dress flying all around me....
free soul...free spirit...free mind?
Then, in the evening, I would sit by the fire in a stone cabin, sip yummy tea,
after a copious dinner with baked potatoes, salad with perfumed tomatoes and fried corn,
listening to some relaxing classical piece in the background and maybe talking to a friend or two over a warming glass of berry- flavored red wine.
And the stroke of midnight would find me hunting fireflies
...chasing fairies.....
riding unicorns and dancing in the moonlight...
And there would be no computers...no TV...no radio..no cell phones..just a record player...
a warm fire in the fireplace and lots and lots of candles...
sweet rose water and lavender soap....
What's your idea of a perfect summer day?
* all photos from my tumblr.com page, I do not own copyright to any of them!
It's my despair of not being able to read it all that makes me start 3 or four books at once, and then read some more in between. And I'm dreaming...wide awake!
I dream of flowery meadows, of high chilly mountains, of sunflowers and beautiful English gardens, heavy dew on their roses...I dream of walking barefoot on fat grass,
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Each morning when I wake up I wish I was somewhere in the woods, high up in the mountains, in a lodge cabin....
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Then, in the evening, I would sit by the fire in a stone cabin, sip yummy tea,
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And the stroke of midnight would find me hunting fireflies
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And there would be no computers...no TV...no radio..no cell phones..just a record player...
a warm fire in the fireplace and lots and lots of candles...
sweet rose water and lavender soap....
What's your idea of a perfect summer day?
* all photos from my tumblr.com page, I do not own copyright to any of them!
sâmbătă, 10 mai 2014
I just realized...
It's ok to be something else....it's ok to be a misfit....it's ok to not belong...it's ok to be stared at....it's ok to not e understood...or heard.....it's ok to be different......
miercuri, 7 mai 2014
LIFE, wait for me!!!
I've ignored everything important in my life during the past few months, I've been out of my own skin, I've wondered and lost myself, tangled in black thoughts and useless day-dreaming.
Not that dreaming doesn't have it's own crucial role, but as I'm never allowing myself to dream, being to anchored in reality, all the dreams that I smoldered and crushed came crashing over me! It's not sane to throw your dreams away!! It's actually not safe to hide behind work and think everything will be ok...eventually, no matter how lonely and void you feel....
Just one tip: watch Dukhless (2014), it was like a smack in my face....
Wake up! Wake up! wake up!
Let's have a yummy glass of red and raise it for all out there working at 22.00 in the evening, passionate and in love with what they are doing!
Not that dreaming doesn't have it's own crucial role, but as I'm never allowing myself to dream, being to anchored in reality, all the dreams that I smoldered and crushed came crashing over me! It's not sane to throw your dreams away!! It's actually not safe to hide behind work and think everything will be ok...eventually, no matter how lonely and void you feel....
Just one tip: watch Dukhless (2014), it was like a smack in my face....
Wake up! Wake up! wake up!
Let's have a yummy glass of red and raise it for all out there working at 22.00 in the evening, passionate and in love with what they are doing!
luni, 10 martie 2014
Carry on and put on some lipstick...
As much as I hate starting a sentence with the pronoun I; I must say I stunned myself a few minutes back.
I mean I don't usually wear make up at work, at least not very often, because I tend to forget about it and I end up looking like a racoon. But I have my days, when a little bit of foundation and mascara seem like a really good idea, but I almost never wear lipstick, because I just don't have the time to refresh it as often as I'm eating it....
A good proof about the fact that I'm starting to feel better is the fact that I just went to my purse and put on some dark pink lipstick...and counting the fact that it is afternoon and only two more hours to go, now that is some interesting impulse....
The result: a good feeling and a little bit more confidence...it's strange what a dab of pink lipstick can do..
In another order of ideas, been celebrating the woman this weekend...and we started in force on Friday...
...prosecco, choco cookies, beans salad, red wine, more red wine and even more red wine...
And on Saturday, the girls and I went out on a girls night out kind of gig...and we stayed up until 5 am...that's late, right?? we had a blast..and in order to maybe grasp the idea of that "blast"...we were 12 girls! just imagine the noise...and tequila quantities out there....:D
For all the crazy and noisy women out there.. have a happy week!!
I mean I don't usually wear make up at work, at least not very often, because I tend to forget about it and I end up looking like a racoon. But I have my days, when a little bit of foundation and mascara seem like a really good idea, but I almost never wear lipstick, because I just don't have the time to refresh it as often as I'm eating it....
A good proof about the fact that I'm starting to feel better is the fact that I just went to my purse and put on some dark pink lipstick...and counting the fact that it is afternoon and only two more hours to go, now that is some interesting impulse....
The result: a good feeling and a little bit more confidence...it's strange what a dab of pink lipstick can do..
In another order of ideas, been celebrating the woman this weekend...and we started in force on Friday...
...prosecco, choco cookies, beans salad, red wine, more red wine and even more red wine...
And on Saturday, the girls and I went out on a girls night out kind of gig...and we stayed up until 5 am...that's late, right?? we had a blast..and in order to maybe grasp the idea of that "blast"...we were 12 girls! just imagine the noise...and tequila quantities out there....:D
For all the crazy and noisy women out there.. have a happy week!!
luni, 3 martie 2014
I need a new hobby....
Besides reading teen-novels about vampires and watching teen- series on our desktop every night until 1.00 or 2 a.m. and listening to loud music and karaoke singing...I really need to pour my almost non-existent energy into something that will make me snap out of it...I really need to snap...and quickly, before something bad will happen...
To top it all, I caught a nasty bug last week, and I have sub-zero energy levels...
I was bowling last night with some of my friends...interesting, nice and funny, but not quite it...need to go riding, either my bike...or even better: a horsie...miss my wide-eyed friends...
I hope everybody reading this has a better spring then mine..happy spring everyone!!
To top it all, I caught a nasty bug last week, and I have sub-zero energy levels...
I was bowling last night with some of my friends...interesting, nice and funny, but not quite it...need to go riding, either my bike...or even better: a horsie...miss my wide-eyed friends...
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http://agnesdevillarson.blogspot.ro/ |
I hope everybody reading this has a better spring then mine..happy spring everyone!!
joi, 27 februarie 2014
the difference between being and wanting to be...
Ho many of us can really and truthfully brag about the fact that they are exactly like the image they are projecting upon the others?
Like me for example, I'm not nearly as good as I would like to be, and not only in my own eyes, but also in the eyes of the ones surrounding me. I would love to be a better sister, a better friend, a better employee, even a better writer, but all these make me dizzy, and I start panicking, and manage to suck at all of them...
I mean I would love to be loved, maybe even for all that I am, just like everybody these days likes to say, right? But what exactly are we? The perfect lover, the perfect family member, the perfect career woman or man?I tend to believe that we are nowhere near perfection, and the fact that we are so desperately trying only makes us more desperate and less successful...
Taking me again as a starting point (who else do I know better?); I would love to be appreciated by everyone around me for the witty, funny and darling person that I am, but I rarely have the energy left to show that person to everyone around me, and I bet they will start getting tired by my sour looks and start looking for someone else to entertain them.
How do other people even manage in this world?
My next idea is that, as long a you offer the ones around you food for their souls (no matter how big they or their expectations are), you have a chance at being recognized on a social field; but as soon as you become wary of trying to be nice and helpful; and stop smiling all the time and making small talk, you start loosing ground, and you become isolated, outcast, unwanted. And then the cynicism you were born with dictates that this is how the world should turn, and not the other way around. Is this how rebels are born? or just crazy people?
I defy anyone to tell me otherwise.... exception making of course the poor family that loves you and tolerates you, only because they have no other choice...
ok...ok...one more exception...kindergarten best friends that you only see once in a while, and you don't have the chance to get on their nerves so often....and they keep an old image of you that they stubbornly maintain, only because they do not want to know what life has turned you into...
And my conclusion goes like this: the difference between being and wanting to be ...not only does it reside in the eye of the beholder, but it also comes from the level of determination to make yourself something you are not, or proving so hard that you are something, that even you start believing it. Strange, right?
Like me for example, I'm not nearly as good as I would like to be, and not only in my own eyes, but also in the eyes of the ones surrounding me. I would love to be a better sister, a better friend, a better employee, even a better writer, but all these make me dizzy, and I start panicking, and manage to suck at all of them...
I mean I would love to be loved, maybe even for all that I am, just like everybody these days likes to say, right? But what exactly are we? The perfect lover, the perfect family member, the perfect career woman or man?I tend to believe that we are nowhere near perfection, and the fact that we are so desperately trying only makes us more desperate and less successful...
Taking me again as a starting point (who else do I know better?); I would love to be appreciated by everyone around me for the witty, funny and darling person that I am, but I rarely have the energy left to show that person to everyone around me, and I bet they will start getting tired by my sour looks and start looking for someone else to entertain them.
How do other people even manage in this world?
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google images |
My next idea is that, as long a you offer the ones around you food for their souls (no matter how big they or their expectations are), you have a chance at being recognized on a social field; but as soon as you become wary of trying to be nice and helpful; and stop smiling all the time and making small talk, you start loosing ground, and you become isolated, outcast, unwanted. And then the cynicism you were born with dictates that this is how the world should turn, and not the other way around. Is this how rebels are born? or just crazy people?
I defy anyone to tell me otherwise.... exception making of course the poor family that loves you and tolerates you, only because they have no other choice...
ok...ok...one more exception...kindergarten best friends that you only see once in a while, and you don't have the chance to get on their nerves so often....and they keep an old image of you that they stubbornly maintain, only because they do not want to know what life has turned you into...
And my conclusion goes like this: the difference between being and wanting to be ...not only does it reside in the eye of the beholder, but it also comes from the level of determination to make yourself something you are not, or proving so hard that you are something, that even you start believing it. Strange, right?
marți, 25 februarie 2014
luni, 17 februarie 2014
on beauty and other stupid stuff...
Is there anyone out there that looks ordinary or especially if he or she has some visible flaws who wouldn't want to look pretty?
Of course, there are also the ones in denial, saying they prefer being smart rather than pretty, but we must admit that unfortunately, pretty people have it much easier. They always get what they want with a smile, they don't have to work as hard as ordinary plain people, they get pretty life partners and seem more important in everyday life because everyone looks up to them. Pretty in this case must also be agreeable, and once those two attributes are merged, the person we are talking about becomes irresistible. Couple that with a public image, someone who stands in the limelight, and you've got yourself a charismatic star.
Everyone will love the star without really knowing him or her, assuming that beauty equals kindness, beauty is something like a spell drawn over our eyes. A pretty or beautiful person will charm us with a warm smile, we will act benevolent even without noticing it. That is the reason why beautiful people are always so successful, especially if that beauty is teamed up with a little amount of brains as backup.
But speaking of beauty, how about having it as well as a sharp mind? wouldn't that be a dangerous combo?
Wouldn't that mean that the magic would be double? Who wouldn't want that? Wouldn't that mean the perfect manipulator? ...and the world is full of them...
I mean what is it about all of us wanting to be loved that makes us crave for beauty, a beauty that we could posses for the sole purpose of being loved for it alone?
And how strange is it that, once we grow older and older...this - as well as all the hopes coming with it - starts fading away, like we start loosing hope, old age means loosing beauty, we are no longer that precious once our beauty fades away....
There are also the pretty ones that are always on the lookout for the right partner, mostly as pretty as themselves, and who are searching...and searching....and searching...
Then there's the opposite, like people who think that they can conquer anyone, including beautiful people, and they often get rejected and hurt, but fail to understand why, so they just block the acknowledgement that they were rejected because they do not "rise up" to that standard...choosing to not accept the fact that they are pure and simply to plain for others.....
I'll have to think about this a little bit harder...
I know these ideas are strange even for me...I came up with these questions watching The Vampire Diaries (I know..I know...)...
...and seeing all these beautiful actors got me thinking far far away...up to the point where I wonder if everyone on this Earth would want to be pretty...or beautiful in fact... then how would life be for us?
Doesn't it sound like a SF book, with a strange alien planet where every inhabitant is beautiful? But eventually they all turn out to be evil...must have read this somewhere...it sounds too familiar...right?
Maybe a strange consolation, but still a consolation for many of us is the fact that even beautiful people seem to have a hard time in finding a suitable partner; it looks like no matter how beautiful they are, they have the same troubles as us in finding the right partner, and most of all, in keeping him or her.
And then there's the flaws issue...no matter how beautiful one looks, there is always something that they don't like about themselves...so there is really not that easy to be perfect...unless you're a cold heartless bitch...
I think I'm gonna have a sexy haircut now...thank you all for dropping by...
p.s. all photos courtesy of google images
Of course, there are also the ones in denial, saying they prefer being smart rather than pretty, but we must admit that unfortunately, pretty people have it much easier. They always get what they want with a smile, they don't have to work as hard as ordinary plain people, they get pretty life partners and seem more important in everyday life because everyone looks up to them. Pretty in this case must also be agreeable, and once those two attributes are merged, the person we are talking about becomes irresistible. Couple that with a public image, someone who stands in the limelight, and you've got yourself a charismatic star.
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...like him for example... |
But speaking of beauty, how about having it as well as a sharp mind? wouldn't that be a dangerous combo?
Wouldn't that mean that the magic would be double? Who wouldn't want that? Wouldn't that mean the perfect manipulator? ...and the world is full of them...
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isn't he just perfect for the role of ultimate manipulator? who could resist him? |
And how strange is it that, once we grow older and older...this - as well as all the hopes coming with it - starts fading away, like we start loosing hope, old age means loosing beauty, we are no longer that precious once our beauty fades away....
There are also the pretty ones that are always on the lookout for the right partner, mostly as pretty as themselves, and who are searching...and searching....and searching...
Then there's the opposite, like people who think that they can conquer anyone, including beautiful people, and they often get rejected and hurt, but fail to understand why, so they just block the acknowledgement that they were rejected because they do not "rise up" to that standard...choosing to not accept the fact that they are pure and simply to plain for others.....
I'll have to think about this a little bit harder...
I know these ideas are strange even for me...I came up with these questions watching The Vampire Diaries (I know..I know...)...
...and seeing all these beautiful actors got me thinking far far away...up to the point where I wonder if everyone on this Earth would want to be pretty...or beautiful in fact... then how would life be for us?
Doesn't it sound like a SF book, with a strange alien planet where every inhabitant is beautiful? But eventually they all turn out to be evil...must have read this somewhere...it sounds too familiar...right?
Maybe a strange consolation, but still a consolation for many of us is the fact that even beautiful people seem to have a hard time in finding a suitable partner; it looks like no matter how beautiful they are, they have the same troubles as us in finding the right partner, and most of all, in keeping him or her.
And then there's the flaws issue...no matter how beautiful one looks, there is always something that they don't like about themselves...so there is really not that easy to be perfect...unless you're a cold heartless bitch...
I think I'm gonna have a sexy haircut now...thank you all for dropping by...
p.s. all photos courtesy of google images
luni, 10 februarie 2014
True blood..or the movie better than the books
I rarely stumble upon things like this, when a movie takes a book or a series of books, which seem to be ok, but only in a mediocre way, and turns this book or books into a successful and really good movie.
I've been MIA due partially to my spring down time, and due to the True Blood movie series and their book correspondent: the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.
I won't include a link to these books due to the fact that I was disappointed in them, but especially in the way the author ended the series. I've been reading the net and understood that I am one of many who felt betrayed and disappointed with the ending, but I will have to state my opinion in this matter. Then I intend to say what made me think of True Blood as one of the best series I ever saw (not that I would be a real expert in this matter, because I am not!).
First things first, the books start nicely, resembling the movie, then take an abrupt turn, with different characters having completely different roles, and that surprised me in a great way, since it would have been boring for the movie to strictly follow the letter of the book. I was glad to see a complex structure in action, with many more characters, a vividly colored Sookie, a less pathetic Bill, and an extremely erogenous Eric Northman. I can't ignore the fact that the casting for the movie was perfect, as Eric is practically completely mixed up with Alexander Skarsgard, and I kept this image in my head throughout the whole 13 books.
The action in the books takes us practically to a faery land, which is quite cool if you like submerging in this kind of stories, and I really needed this. It's been a while since I was so impressed with a book that I would sleep 3 or 4 hours a night during a working week just so I can go on with the action in these books. In this respect, I am thankful to the author. Regarding the abrupt way in which she chose to finish the series, all the explanation I can give is that maybe she became bored with all the drama in her own books and decided to cut it off. I can't explain why would she choose to write such action packed books with so much information, Sookie falls in love with one vampire, than brushes against a werewolf, but doesn't finalize anything with him, although there are enough sparks to fly around. All good and nice, then enters Eric. He sweeps her off her feet, she falls in love irremediably, and they have a wonderful love story in more than 5 books I guess (I read them one after the other in about a week, so it's kind of blurry, and I'm not quite able to make a distinction between the books). Eric does everything in his power to gain her, protect her and keep her for himself, but somehow in the end his greed of power and money makes him forget all about that. Let's say it would be ok, he could be that ambitious, and Sookie loves the sun light, just like the author put it, but from half the books we understand how smitten Eric is with her, and during only one last book, he suddenly forgets about all that. They kill kings together, and all kind of creatures, but suddenly he is afraid of one king only, and he decides to marry another vampire.
Let's say we can come to understand this dark and power lusty side of Eric, what I cannot understand is how one can ruin perfectly good worth of 12 books in one last book! She rushes all resolution into one last short novel, where information is stuffed and little explained. Ok, we understand Sookie loves her human warmth, she has been loving Sam for a couple of years without even knowing it, she was suffering from Eric's deceit, and Bill's deceit, and Alcede's lack of tact, but in just a few chapters she suddenly forgets all that and decides she loves Sam above all. I wonder why all the trouble to fall in love with Bill and Eric respectively, if she returns to Sam, the one that she feels compassion and friendship for, but little to no love during 12 books? The rage I felt on the net comes from the fact that the author never warned us against this resolution, and I was just as enraged as the other readers that all the emotion gathered during 12 books is crushed to dust during a few last chapters.
We would have loved a little more action between Sookie an Sam, a closure would have been nice and even decent, especially after reading with our hearts in our throats 12 nice books.
This "happy ending" was just like a bucket of ice-cold water after a whole day of basking in the sun, so the response must be at least violent, if not disappointing from all points of view.
I've skeptically smiled when I read that the author said she wouldn't give in to all the online requests that she should change the finale; as I guess that she did this dry finale just hoping that it would trigger exactly these reactions, and it must have been all thoroughly calculated. Even negative publicity is good publicity, right?
Returning to the movie True Blood, which has a great cast (ok, I might be a little influenced by the choice of Alex as Eric, he's one tall hottie!)
( wanted to add a pic of him, but can't find one without make-up or sunglasses...:( )
and action, I have to say it was a success, as I rarely start watching a series and take it to the end, I usually get bored somewhere on the road. Not this time, though, especially since the action is so different from the books, and even though it is really bloody (what to expect, with such a title?), the suspense is surprisingly well calculated.
I usually get more of the feeling from a book, but this time I have to say I understand Sookie better from the movie, and not only her. I understand that this summer season 7 will conclude the series, and I can't wait to see if the producers will also kill our expectations and all this journey into the night of the vampires and werewolves will prove to have been in vain. So, fingers crossed, and let's hope the movie doesn't follow the letter of the book exactly, as I have nothing against Sookie ending up with Sam, having kinds and growing older, but there should really be a closure here, a little more depth would be welcome.
All these being said, I would not recommend the books (I guess this is my first what-not-to-read post!), unless you are sadistic and want to end up heart broken, unsatisfied and in a mental blockage, just like me!
Enjoy the series, though!
I've been MIA due partially to my spring down time, and due to the True Blood movie series and their book correspondent: the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.
I won't include a link to these books due to the fact that I was disappointed in them, but especially in the way the author ended the series. I've been reading the net and understood that I am one of many who felt betrayed and disappointed with the ending, but I will have to state my opinion in this matter. Then I intend to say what made me think of True Blood as one of the best series I ever saw (not that I would be a real expert in this matter, because I am not!).
First things first, the books start nicely, resembling the movie, then take an abrupt turn, with different characters having completely different roles, and that surprised me in a great way, since it would have been boring for the movie to strictly follow the letter of the book. I was glad to see a complex structure in action, with many more characters, a vividly colored Sookie, a less pathetic Bill, and an extremely erogenous Eric Northman. I can't ignore the fact that the casting for the movie was perfect, as Eric is practically completely mixed up with Alexander Skarsgard, and I kept this image in my head throughout the whole 13 books.
The action in the books takes us practically to a faery land, which is quite cool if you like submerging in this kind of stories, and I really needed this. It's been a while since I was so impressed with a book that I would sleep 3 or 4 hours a night during a working week just so I can go on with the action in these books. In this respect, I am thankful to the author. Regarding the abrupt way in which she chose to finish the series, all the explanation I can give is that maybe she became bored with all the drama in her own books and decided to cut it off. I can't explain why would she choose to write such action packed books with so much information, Sookie falls in love with one vampire, than brushes against a werewolf, but doesn't finalize anything with him, although there are enough sparks to fly around. All good and nice, then enters Eric. He sweeps her off her feet, she falls in love irremediably, and they have a wonderful love story in more than 5 books I guess (I read them one after the other in about a week, so it's kind of blurry, and I'm not quite able to make a distinction between the books). Eric does everything in his power to gain her, protect her and keep her for himself, but somehow in the end his greed of power and money makes him forget all about that. Let's say it would be ok, he could be that ambitious, and Sookie loves the sun light, just like the author put it, but from half the books we understand how smitten Eric is with her, and during only one last book, he suddenly forgets about all that. They kill kings together, and all kind of creatures, but suddenly he is afraid of one king only, and he decides to marry another vampire.
Let's say we can come to understand this dark and power lusty side of Eric, what I cannot understand is how one can ruin perfectly good worth of 12 books in one last book! She rushes all resolution into one last short novel, where information is stuffed and little explained. Ok, we understand Sookie loves her human warmth, she has been loving Sam for a couple of years without even knowing it, she was suffering from Eric's deceit, and Bill's deceit, and Alcede's lack of tact, but in just a few chapters she suddenly forgets all that and decides she loves Sam above all. I wonder why all the trouble to fall in love with Bill and Eric respectively, if she returns to Sam, the one that she feels compassion and friendship for, but little to no love during 12 books? The rage I felt on the net comes from the fact that the author never warned us against this resolution, and I was just as enraged as the other readers that all the emotion gathered during 12 books is crushed to dust during a few last chapters.
We would have loved a little more action between Sookie an Sam, a closure would have been nice and even decent, especially after reading with our hearts in our throats 12 nice books.
This "happy ending" was just like a bucket of ice-cold water after a whole day of basking in the sun, so the response must be at least violent, if not disappointing from all points of view.
I've skeptically smiled when I read that the author said she wouldn't give in to all the online requests that she should change the finale; as I guess that she did this dry finale just hoping that it would trigger exactly these reactions, and it must have been all thoroughly calculated. Even negative publicity is good publicity, right?
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Google images |
Returning to the movie True Blood, which has a great cast (ok, I might be a little influenced by the choice of Alex as Eric, he's one tall hottie!)
( wanted to add a pic of him, but can't find one without make-up or sunglasses...:( )
I usually get more of the feeling from a book, but this time I have to say I understand Sookie better from the movie, and not only her. I understand that this summer season 7 will conclude the series, and I can't wait to see if the producers will also kill our expectations and all this journey into the night of the vampires and werewolves will prove to have been in vain. So, fingers crossed, and let's hope the movie doesn't follow the letter of the book exactly, as I have nothing against Sookie ending up with Sam, having kinds and growing older, but there should really be a closure here, a little more depth would be welcome.
All these being said, I would not recommend the books (I guess this is my first what-not-to-read post!), unless you are sadistic and want to end up heart broken, unsatisfied and in a mental blockage, just like me!
Enjoy the series, though!
vineri, 31 ianuarie 2014
marți, 21 ianuarie 2014
ok, I know...
...I'm off too much, I'm erratic, irresponsible, unstable and changing as the wind....I know I'm not supposed to be like this and that a more mature, stronger me would be required right now...but who is perfect in this world I ask you?
Who can comply with all the rules, follow every step he or she know they should take, who is perfectly happy with what he or she has and never asks for more? and once they get it, they want something more, something different?
Like everybody else, I have goals and dreams, needs and desires, plans and an organized life. but at times this organizing drives me crazy, I would like to shake all the shackles of society keeping me in check...I would like to not give a dang about responsibilities, needs and requirements, I would love to throw everything in everyone's face, and just not give a damn....
It's one of those phases when you don't want to be doing nothing, but at the same time know you need to, struggle in your mind and no matter how tired you are, you can't sleep at night....
Longing to embark on a trip, somewhere far away, meet interesting and beautiful people, change scenery and life at all...been here before...just need to get out or I feel like choking...need to spread my wings...need to escape badly....
Crazy?....insane?......or just in need of a vacation? ...I think I really really need a ride....pronto!
Who can comply with all the rules, follow every step he or she know they should take, who is perfectly happy with what he or she has and never asks for more? and once they get it, they want something more, something different?
Like everybody else, I have goals and dreams, needs and desires, plans and an organized life. but at times this organizing drives me crazy, I would like to shake all the shackles of society keeping me in check...I would like to not give a dang about responsibilities, needs and requirements, I would love to throw everything in everyone's face, and just not give a damn....
It's one of those phases when you don't want to be doing nothing, but at the same time know you need to, struggle in your mind and no matter how tired you are, you can't sleep at night....
Longing to embark on a trip, somewhere far away, meet interesting and beautiful people, change scenery and life at all...been here before...just need to get out or I feel like choking...need to spread my wings...need to escape badly....
Crazy?....insane?......or just in need of a vacation? ...I think I really really need a ride....pronto!
isn't he a beauty?? |
duminică, 12 ianuarie 2014
I am late...oh so very late...
"I'm late
I'm late
For a very important date.
No time to say "Hello, Goodbye".
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late."
(The White Rabbit- "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll)
That would the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland say...if he were in my place.
Just as late or maybe even later am I....neglecting all this for so long. However, I've not been idle, I've read and written a lot...so I am anything but lazy...
I am over the top happy about my late...birthday gift, which I finally received last week. In fact, I' ve received a voucher for my birthday, from a very dear friend, as he knew I like books for presents, but that I am very picky about what books I buy, so he gave me this voucher, to buy myself whatever I wanted from a special library. And with my busy schedule, I could only go last week, which is very late, when you think my birthday was on the 8th of October...
The verses in the beginning are not at random picked, though...as guess what book I've picked?????
Yes...I'm the proud and happy owner of this beauty...

and I am mighty proud of it! Thank you Clauu!!
I'm late
For a very important date.
No time to say "Hello, Goodbye".
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late."
(The White Rabbit- "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll)
That would the Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland say...if he were in my place.
Just as late or maybe even later am I....neglecting all this for so long. However, I've not been idle, I've read and written a lot...so I am anything but lazy...
I am over the top happy about my late...birthday gift, which I finally received last week. In fact, I' ve received a voucher for my birthday, from a very dear friend, as he knew I like books for presents, but that I am very picky about what books I buy, so he gave me this voucher, to buy myself whatever I wanted from a special library. And with my busy schedule, I could only go last week, which is very late, when you think my birthday was on the 8th of October...
The verses in the beginning are not at random picked, though...as guess what book I've picked?????
Yes...I'm the proud and happy owner of this beauty...
and I am mighty proud of it! Thank you Clauu!!
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