luni, 17 iunie 2013

we're in the exams period...

...or at least M is, so I have to make reports, help him choose what to learn, check him daily if he's learning (!!) and not riding his bike or drinking coffee with friends...all in all, I am very busy when at home, and when at work, I don't know what happened, but I do really have  ALOT of work! Not the usual lot, but much more than that....
Anyway, have you missed these guys?:
Jackie mesmerized by a fly...

our boss of all days....
our picture-perfect model....
We have also been on an adventure yesterday, M and I....we went to Recas, to Andrea's (my work colleague ) bf's home to see a 3 days old calf!!!!
the only picture I could snap was this:
It was preety dark in the stable, and we didn't want to disturb the mother very much...but if you watch closely you can see 2 pairs of small legs...:D. It's a girl and she's a beauty! Her mother was so adorable, she let me rub her forehead, she let me touch her beautiful baby without showing signs of nervousness, but that only after I made her aquaintance, to show her I have come with good, pozitive thaughts, just to admire them both!

That was such a thrilling experience! It is the first time ever I am touching a working horse; I mean Stela is a horse used to pull a carriage, not be petted by children; and I went directly to her, streched my hand so that she could smell me, and touched her soft skin on her nose! I trully and completely wouldn't have done that not even 6 months ago! I must say my riding lessons have helped me alot when dealing with my horse fear, with my confidence overall and with me taking my pozitive energy from these wonderful and noble creatures!

 In this respect, I have to add I terribly and deeply miss all the horses at Herneacova, which I havent's seen in a few weeks...I might take a quick spin on this weekend...

And last, here's a wonderful scene I would love to wake up to every morning....
don't remember the source!
 Have a great sunny week! The Sun has finally come to Romania also!

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