joi, 3 ianuarie 2013

Romania is in mourning...

      For the loss of a great man, a hugely talented actor, a genius director and a fair politician.
      I won't start here a list of all his accomplishments, if you are interested you can find it all on Wikipedia , as he is one of the most famous Romanian actors and movie producers, I won't even try to convince anybody to watch his movies, although I think that if someone wishes to know more about our nation's history and really wants to understand Romanians today from that point of view, they should watch at least some of his movies; but all I want to say is that the history-inspired ones marked my childhood.
      And I think part of my generation would agree with me when I say that one of the most impressive and uplifting movies from our childhood (besides Mr. Florin Piersic in Harap Alb!) was the movie Mircea, and Mr. Nicolaescu's image:
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in this movie is one of the few TV faces I remember very well from my childhood! I would go further and say that he who does not watch this movie doesn't know what it takes to be a Romanian! And I could make a list of movies which fall in this cathegory!
       All in all, I just wanted to share with you my sad feeling of loss of one of the best Romanian actors, whom, together with the loss of  Mr. Florian Pittis and Mr. Adrian Pintea, other two vivid images from my childhood; mark (at least in my heart) a sundown over a long-forgotten era, when learning, and reading, and knowing really meant something!
      I hope I didn't sound too sad, I don't want to induce this state on you from the beginning of this new year, which I expect to be wonderful and full of accomplishments in the fields that really matter to all of us!
      Bisous and thank you for stopping by!

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