So far, how's your summer? Mine is well, with lots of rides, lots of friends keeping me company, lots of music, especially classical (because that's what I feel like listening to!) and lots of books. And I mean I haven't read this much in a long period of time, not even during wintertime. I feel like my time is passing me by and there's still so much I have to know, so many stories to unravel...
It's my despair of not being able to read it all that makes me start 3 or four books at once, and then read some more in between. And I'm dreaming...wide awake!
I dream of flowery meadows, of high chilly mountains, of sunflowers and beautiful English gardens, heavy dew on their roses...I dream of walking barefoot on fat grass,
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...picking wild flowers for my dinner table, and berries for my breakfast...
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letting my hair down and spinning around until nausea makes me lay on the tall grass and watch the puffy clouds go by.
Each morning when I wake up I wish I was somewhere in the woods, high up in the mountains, in a lodge cabin....
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...with mist crawling through green moss trees,
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the sun rays piercing the thick canopy and shedding gold flakes on the moss and ferns below...
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Each afternoon I wish I was on a tartan picnic blanket, a basket full of goodies nearby...
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iced tea and bumble bees around me, chasing butterflies down the hill side while not feeling anything but the relaxing warmth of the sun, because I'm all wrapped up in white fluffy and breezy cotton with beautiful French lace....
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then I'm lazily drowsing in my hammock
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...or reading beautiful old books, finding out about all species of flowers, butterflies, trees and yummy fruits...
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What would my perfect summer be without galloping on the hills, barefoot and without saddle, my horse flying swiftly over miles and miles of grassy meadows, my hair blowing in the wind and my long dress flying all around me....
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free mind?
Then, in the evening, I would sit by the fire in a stone cabin, sip yummy tea,
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after a copious dinner with baked potatoes, salad with perfumed tomatoes and fried corn,
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listening to some relaxing classical piece in the background and maybe talking to a friend or two over a warming glass of berry- flavored red wine.
And the stroke of midnight would find me hunting fireflies
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...chasing fairies.....
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riding unicorns and dancing in the moonlight...
And there would be no cell phones..just a record player...
a warm fire in the fireplace and lots and lots of candles...
sweet rose water and lavender soap....
What's your idea of a perfect summer day?
* all photos from
my page, I do not own copyright to any of them!