joi, 27 februarie 2014

the difference between being and wanting to be...

Ho many of us can really and truthfully brag about the fact that they are exactly like the image they are projecting upon the others?
Like me for example, I'm not nearly as good as I would like to be, and not only in my own eyes, but also in the eyes of the ones surrounding me. I would love to be a better sister, a better friend, a better employee, even a better writer, but all these make me dizzy, and I start panicking, and  manage to suck at all of them...
I mean I would love to be loved, maybe even for all that I am, just like everybody these days likes to say, right? But what exactly are we? The perfect lover, the perfect family member, the perfect career woman or man?I tend to believe that we are nowhere near perfection, and the fact that we are so desperately trying only makes us more desperate and less successful...
Taking me again as a starting point (who else do I know better?); I would love to be appreciated by everyone around me for the witty, funny and darling person that I am, but I rarely have the energy left to show that person to everyone around me, and I bet they will start getting tired by my sour looks and start looking for someone else to entertain them.
 How do other people even manage in this world?
google images

My next idea is that, as long a you offer the ones around you food for their souls (no matter how big they or their expectations are), you have a chance at being recognized on a social field; but as soon as you become wary of trying to be nice and helpful;  and stop smiling all the time and making small talk, you start loosing ground, and you become isolated, outcast, unwanted. And then the cynicism you were born with dictates that this is how the world should turn, and not the other way around. Is this how rebels are born? or just crazy people?
I defy anyone to tell me otherwise.... exception making of course the poor family that loves you and tolerates you, only because they have no other choice... more exception...kindergarten best friends that you only see once in a while, and you don't have the chance to get on their nerves so often....and they keep an old image of you that they stubbornly maintain, only because they do not want to know what life has turned you into...

And my conclusion goes like this: the difference between being and wanting to be ...not only does it reside in the eye of the beholder, but it also comes from the level of determination to make yourself something you are not, or proving so hard that you are something, that even you start believing it. Strange, right?


marți, 25 februarie 2014

The Fury-L.J. Smith

"Now there'll always be a part of me where the light has gone away."

luni, 17 februarie 2014

on beauty and other stupid stuff...

Is there anyone out there that looks ordinary or especially if he or she has some visible flaws who wouldn't want to look pretty?
Of course, there are also the ones in denial, saying they prefer being smart rather than pretty, but we must admit that unfortunately, pretty people have it much easier. They always get what they want with a smile, they don't have to work as hard as ordinary plain people, they get pretty life partners and seem more important in everyday life because everyone looks up to them. Pretty in this case must also be agreeable, and once those two attributes are merged, the person we are talking about becomes irresistible. Couple that with a public image, someone who stands in the limelight, and you've got yourself a charismatic star. him for example...
Everyone will love the star without really knowing him or her, assuming that beauty equals kindness, beauty is something like a spell drawn over our eyes. A pretty or beautiful person will charm us with a warm smile, we will act benevolent even without noticing it. That is the reason why beautiful people are always so successful, especially if that beauty is teamed up with a little amount of brains as backup.
But speaking of beauty, how about having it as well as a sharp mind? wouldn't that be a dangerous combo?
Wouldn't that mean that the magic would  be double? Who wouldn't want that? Wouldn't that mean the perfect manipulator? ...and the world is full of them...
isn't he just perfect for the role of ultimate manipulator? who could resist him?
I mean what is it about all of us wanting to be loved that makes us crave for beauty, a beauty that we could posses for the sole purpose of being loved for it alone?
And how strange is it that, once we grow older and older...this - as well as all the hopes coming with it - starts fading away, like we start loosing hope, old age means loosing beauty, we are no longer that precious once our beauty fades away....
There are also the pretty ones that are always on the lookout for the right partner, mostly as pretty as themselves, and who are searching...and searching....and searching...
Then there's the opposite, like people who think that they can conquer anyone, including beautiful people, and they often get rejected and hurt, but fail to understand why, so they just block the acknowledgement that they were rejected because they do not "rise up" to that standard...choosing to not accept the fact that they are pure and simply to plain for others.....

I'll have to think about this a little bit harder...

I know these ideas are strange even for me...I came up with these questions watching The Vampire Diaries (I know..I know...)...

...and seeing all these beautiful actors got me thinking far far away...up to the point where I wonder if everyone on this Earth would want to be pretty...or beautiful in fact... then how would life be for us?

 Doesn't it sound like a SF book, with a strange alien planet where every inhabitant is beautiful? But eventually they all turn out to be evil...must have read this sounds too familiar...right?

Maybe a strange consolation, but still a consolation for many of us is the fact that even beautiful people seem to have a hard time in finding a suitable partner; it looks like no matter how beautiful they are, they have the same troubles as us in finding the right partner, and most of all, in keeping him or her.
And then there's the flaws matter how beautiful one looks, there is always something that they don't like about there is really not that easy to be perfect...unless you're a cold heartless bitch...

I think I'm gonna have a sexy haircut now...thank you all for dropping by...


p.s. all photos courtesy of google images

luni, 10 februarie 2014

True blood..or the movie better than the books

I rarely stumble upon things like this, when a movie takes a book or a series of books, which seem to be ok, but only in a mediocre way, and turns this book or books into a successful and really good movie.
I've been MIA due partially to my spring down time, and due to the True Blood movie series and their book correspondent: the Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris.
I won't include a link to these books due to the fact that I was disappointed in them, but especially in the way the author ended the series. I've been reading the net and understood that I am one of many who felt betrayed and disappointed with the ending, but I will have to state my opinion in this matter. Then I intend to say what made me think of True Blood as one of the best series I ever saw (not that I would be a real expert in this matter, because I am not!).
First things first, the books start nicely, resembling the movie, then take an abrupt turn, with different characters having completely different roles, and that surprised me in a great way, since it would have been boring for the movie to strictly follow the letter of the book. I was glad to see a complex structure in action, with many more characters, a vividly colored Sookie, a less pathetic Bill, and an extremely erogenous Eric Northman. I can't ignore the fact that the casting for the movie was perfect, as Eric is practically completely mixed up with Alexander Skarsgard, and I kept this image in my head throughout the whole 13 books. 
The action in the books takes us practically to a faery land, which is quite cool if you like submerging in this kind of stories, and I really needed this. It's been a while since I was so impressed with a book that I would sleep 3 or 4 hours a night during a working week just so I can go on with the action in these books. In this respect, I am thankful to the author. Regarding the abrupt way in which she chose to finish the series, all the explanation I can give is that maybe she became bored with all the drama in her own books and decided to cut it off. I can't explain why would she choose to write such action packed books with so much information, Sookie falls in love with one vampire, than brushes against a werewolf, but doesn't finalize anything with him, although there are enough sparks to fly around. All good and nice, then enters Eric. He sweeps her off her feet, she falls in love irremediably, and they have a wonderful love story in more than 5 books I guess (I read them one after the other in about a week, so it's kind of blurry, and I'm not quite able to make a distinction between the books). Eric does everything in his power to gain her, protect her and keep her for himself, but somehow in the end his greed of power and money makes him forget all about that. Let's say it would be ok, he could be that ambitious, and Sookie loves the sun light, just like the author put it, but from half the books we understand how smitten Eric is with her, and during only one last book, he suddenly forgets about all that. They kill kings together, and all kind of creatures, but suddenly he is afraid of one king only, and he decides to marry another vampire.
Let's say we can come to understand this dark and power lusty side of Eric, what I cannot understand is how one can ruin perfectly good worth of 12 books in one last book! She rushes all resolution into one last short novel, where information is stuffed and little explained. Ok, we understand Sookie loves her human warmth, she has been loving Sam for a couple of years without even knowing it, she was suffering from Eric's deceit, and Bill's deceit, and Alcede's lack of tact, but in just a few chapters she suddenly forgets all that and decides she loves Sam above all. I wonder why all the trouble to fall in love with Bill and Eric respectively, if she returns to Sam, the one that she feels compassion and friendship for, but little to  no love during 12 books? The rage I felt on the net comes from the fact that the author never warned us against this resolution, and I was just as enraged as the other readers that all the emotion gathered during 12 books is crushed to dust during a few last chapters.
We would have loved a little more action between Sookie an Sam, a closure would have been nice and even decent, especially after reading with our hearts in our throats 12 nice books.
This "happy ending"  was just like a bucket of ice-cold water after a whole day of basking in the sun, so the response must be at least violent, if not disappointing from all points of view.
I've skeptically smiled when I read that the author said she wouldn't give in to all the online requests that she should change the finale; as I guess that she did this dry finale just hoping that it would trigger exactly these reactions, and it must have been all thoroughly calculated. Even negative publicity is good publicity, right?
Google images

Returning to the movie True Blood, which has a great cast (ok, I might be a little influenced by the choice of Alex as Eric, he's one tall hottie!)
                        ( wanted to add a pic of him, but can't find one without make-up or sunglasses...:( )
and action, I have to say it was a success, as I rarely start watching a series and take it to the end, I usually get bored somewhere on the road. Not this time, though, especially since the action is so different from the books, and even though it is really bloody (what to expect, with such a title?), the suspense is surprisingly well calculated.
I usually get more of the feeling from a book, but this time I have to say I understand Sookie better from the movie, and not only her. I understand that this summer season 7 will conclude the series, and I can't wait to see if the producers will also kill our expectations and all this journey into the night of the vampires and werewolves will prove to have been in vain. So, fingers crossed, and let's hope the movie doesn't follow the letter of the book exactly, as I have nothing against Sookie ending up with Sam, having kinds and growing older, but there should really be a closure here, a little more depth would be welcome.
All these being said, I would not recommend the books (I guess this is my first what-not-to-read post!), unless you are sadistic and want to end up heart broken, unsatisfied and in a mental blockage, just like me!
Enjoy the series, though!