Wanna know the truth about Rosia Poieni and Rosia Montana, the biggest ecological disaster in my Romania? Here is the story of the Rosia Poieni village:
....the dreams you're abandoning are the ideals of the child you once were.....
Politicieni, mai scutiti-ma! Filmul asta nu e facut de afaceristi, pentru a va combate pe voi, ci de idealisti ca mine si ca multi altii, care nu va vor!
Politicians, give me a break! This movie wasn't made by business men, against you, but by idealists like me and many others, which do not want you!
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image source for Rosia Poieni: www.ziarulunirea.ro |
In loc sa ademeneasca oamenii cu slujbele lor de nimic prost platite, de ce sa nu se gaseasca o solutie ecologica pentru lipsa lor de locuri de munca? Cerem prea mult....sau prea putin? Ei vor AURUL, fratii mei, nu bunastarea voastra.....nu va lasati prostiti de catre strainii flamanzi care vin si va bat la usa....daca ar fi vrut sare si paine...n-ar fi venit la voi deloc!
It is strange to watch helplessly how your country is falling to pieces...it is hard to believe this is happening just a few hundred kilometers away from your green back yard...but it is true....civilization pays a price.....but in this case, which civilization?? the people out there didn't get richer..only the corporations did.....I wonder if this is how the inhabitants from Rosia Montana would like to see their village in the future...because this WILL most definitely be their own story!
Instead of alluring men out there with petty jobs for little cash, why not find an ecological solution for their lack of jobs? Is that too much to ask...or too little? The GOLD is what they are after, my brothers, not your well-being...don't let yourself be fooled by the hungry strangers that come knoking on your door...if it were salt and bread they were after...they wouldn't have come to you in the first place!!!!!
Tineri si idealisti? Da! Dar va vom dovedi ca putem trai fara sa omoram totul in jurul nostru, si o vom face daca ne dati ocazia sa avem ce proteja. Toate tarile din jurul nostru evita sa isi distruga natura, doar noi ne luptam sa omoram totul in jur! si ne mai miram de ce suntem lasati in urma?
Young and idealist? Yes! But we will prove that we can live without killing everything around us, and we will do it if you just give us the chance to have something to protect. Countries around us avoid destroying their nature, only we are fighting to kill everything around us! and we're still wondering why we are left behind?
Cei in varsta acum isi mai amintesc de pe vremea cand eu eram copil, iar ei erau tineri..."Muntii nostri aur poarta// Noi cersim din poarta-n poarta...""? Ne vindem prea ieftin...pentru niste slujbe...care s-ar putea gasi si altfel...Din goana dupa aur veti ramane secatuiti, fara vlaga si fara bani, si mai ales fara vatra stramoseasca! Cel mai mare blestem al unui om este acela de a nu se putea intoarce la el acasa!
The ones that are older now may remember from when I was just a child, and they were young "Our Mountains carry gold//We're begging from door to door..."? We're selling ourselves too cheap...for some jobs...that could be found another way....From the gold rush you will remain dry, lifeless and pennyless, but most of all...homeless! The bigges curse a man can carry is the one of not being able to return home!