joi, 26 septembrie 2013

Have you heard about our Rosia Montana scandal?

Vrei sa stii adevarul despre Rosia Poieni si Rosia Montana, cel mai mare dezastru ecologic din Romania mea? Iata povestea satului Rosia Poieni:
Wanna know the truth about Rosia Poieni and Rosia Montana, the biggest ecological disaster in my Romania? Here is the story of the Rosia Poieni village:

....the dreams you're abandoning are the ideals of the child you once were.....

Politicieni, mai scutiti-ma! Filmul asta nu e facut de afaceristi, pentru a va combate pe voi, ci de idealisti ca mine si ca multi altii, care nu va vor!
Politicians, give me a break! This movie wasn't made by business men, against you, but by idealists like me and many others, which do not want you!

image source for Rosia Poieni:
E ciudat sa privesti neajutorat cum tara ta se destrama....este greu sa crezi ca asta se intampla doar la cateva sute de kilometri distanta de curtea ta verde din spatele casei.....dar este adevarat.....civilizatia plateste un pret....dar in acest caz, care civilizatie? oamenii de acolo nu s-au imbogatit...doar corporatiile s-au intreb daca locuitorii din Rosia Montana asa isi doresc sa isi vada satul lor in viitor....deoarece aceasta VA FI mai mult ca sigur si propria lor poveste!
In loc sa ademeneasca oamenii cu slujbele lor de nimic prost platite, de ce sa nu se gaseasca o solutie ecologica pentru lipsa lor de locuri de munca? Cerem prea mult....sau prea putin? Ei vor AURUL, fratii mei, nu bunastarea va lasati prostiti de catre strainii flamanzi care vin si va bat la usa....daca ar fi vrut sare si paine...n-ar fi venit la voi deloc!
It is strange to watch helplessly how your country is falling to is hard to believe this is happening just a few hundred kilometers away from your green back yard...but it is true....civilization pays a price.....but in this case, which civilization?? the people out there didn't get richer..only the corporations did.....I wonder if this is how the inhabitants from Rosia Montana would like to see their village in the future...because this WILL most definitely be their own story!
Instead of alluring men out there with petty jobs for little cash, why not find an ecological solution for their lack of jobs? Is that too much to ask...or too little? The GOLD is what they are after, my brothers, not your well-being...don't let yourself be fooled by the hungry strangers that come knoking on your door...if it were salt and bread they were after...they wouldn't have come to you in the first place!!!!!

Tineri si idealisti? Da! Dar va vom dovedi ca putem trai fara sa omoram totul in jurul nostru, si o vom face daca ne dati ocazia sa avem ce proteja. Toate tarile din jurul nostru evita sa isi distruga natura, doar noi ne luptam sa omoram totul in jur! si ne mai miram de ce suntem lasati in urma?
Young and idealist? Yes! But we will prove that we can live without killing everything around us, and we will do it if you just give us the chance to have something to protect.  Countries around us avoid destroying their nature, only we are fighting to kill everything around us! and we're still wondering why we are left behind?

Cei in varsta acum isi mai amintesc de pe vremea cand eu eram copil, iar ei erau tineri..."Muntii nostri aur poarta// Noi cersim din poarta-n poarta...""? Ne vindem prea ieftin...pentru niste s-ar putea gasi si altfel...Din goana dupa aur veti ramane secatuiti, fara vlaga si fara bani, si mai ales fara vatra stramoseasca! Cel mai mare blestem al unui om este acela de a nu se putea intoarce la el acasa!

The ones that are older now may remember from when I was just a child, and they were young "Our Mountains carry gold//We're begging from door to door..."? We're selling ourselves too cheap...for some jobs...that could be found another way....From the gold rush you will remain dry, lifeless and pennyless, but most of all...homeless! The bigges curse a man can carry is the one of not being able to return home!

miercuri, 25 septembrie 2013

The Prince and I......

Myself and M, as well as our three "children" make the best out of this golden autumn and try to be as pozitive as possbile about the upcoming winter, althoug our motorcycle rides have become thinner, since in the morning the air is very crisp.
Yesterday an the day before I felt too cold in the morning to go to work on my bike, and so M took me with our car, but today, as my balcony thermometer was showing off 13 degrees Celsius, I decided I needed a little bit of air. And the truth is my heart and my mind are both lighter after I'm having even a short ride in the morning...I can't explain it why, maybe it's all the oxygen I'm having...maybe it's even a crazy feeling for my bike, but all in all, bikers do suffer during cold, wet and snowy winters...
Here's our "son", his royal highness Prince Eisidisi,  making the best out of a wonderful morning...

I think saying I worship him is a little to ...little said...I adore him! he's my soft and gentle boy!

I hope everyone can find such a wonderful soul that will love you unconditioned!

marți, 24 septembrie 2013

new crush....

I pure and simply fell in love with this blog and her tumblr account! and since I saw the owner wasn't mad with people borrowing photos from her blog, as long an the source is given, I just have to share some of the wonderful autumn photos out there!

How is it that girls look always sexier in long skirts and with a book in their hands???
There is definitely no other place I would love to be more than in this cabin in that foggy forest!! Have I mentioned I looove fog?!

I was about two autumns ago with M on his old bike on the road...we were going to a late biker festival that year...and on the road darkness crept on us...and I had the chance as a passenger to fully enjoy such a moon...when I saw this photo I instantly remembered that night!! I love it when there's a huge moon! But which romantic girl doesn't?
 How would it be like to wake up on a chilly autumn morning to this view???

I have to re-watch the Game of Thrones series!

It's either the fact that we are all dull people, all thinking the same way, all having the same tastes, or these photos just send chills down my spine, and yours, because they are so awesome! Which one could it be???


p.s. all photos are from the above-mentioned blog. access it for further details on the sources! thank you!

luni, 23 septembrie 2013

autumn madness...

I WISHED I was doing this...

source: I have no idea!
...instead I'm working my b*** off....


luni, 16 septembrie 2013

fulminating progress.....

Don't worry, I haven't been promoted at work or something, and haven't yet found the client to pay me 1 $ pro word, but I did make some pregress, and I have to confess it was some time ago, but didn't feel like sharing until now. What made me change my mind? I am now really enthusiastic because of what it can do, and that will probably more than 100% sure make my readers laugh, but I'm so happy with the new development that I just had to share it....
As some of my friends already know, from my ongoing tribulations with my new and improved telephone, which I could hardly master in the beginning (apart from taking pictures, and even downloading them was a real puzzle!) I've finally purchased my first smartphone: Nokia Lumia 610. Not expensive nor very fancy, I liked it because it is a Nokia and because it looked nice, being also significantly less expensive than other models, whom scared me with complicated and unfamiliar menus (I just have to add here I never had any other cell phone than Nokia ones...) and steep prices. I've read some negative thoughts about my new phone, but it was good enough for what I needed: an alarm clock to wake me up in the morning and a battery that would hold on through an entire day of talking.....wel...not literally talking all day on it, but I do use it alot, as it's a work phone...and also to take nicer pictures than my old phone, which I still have for back-up. And I decided this phone was ok, and I do like it for all those reasons. What I've discovered this past few days however made me fall in love with it and with smartphone technology in general: I was able to download an app and listen to my beloved Classic FM in my bed!!! Now if that's not a triumph of technology, apart from my Kindle- which is the height of all heights in that field-, then I don't know what is!
Far from me the tought of making this post a review of the Noklia Lumia 610, as the only device I could ever write a real review on is my beloved Kindle, but I did write these words in order to applaud this app thingie.... that made one of my evenings a very happy one. As many millions of lucky people out there, I do own a laptop, and I know how to use it, but I feel horribly about bringing it to bed with me; so this cool application on my little phone is a blessing! I can now read a good book lying in my huge bed and listening to wonderful music! Now that's what I call total relaxation!

I hope everyone finds delight in such simple things, that make our lives a little more worth living!

marți, 10 septembrie 2013

Their story...

Once upon a time.....there was a messy castle....where three step siblings lived. They were all from different families adopted, but were equally loved and cared for. Two girls and a boy they were, one bigger sister, the boy in the middle and the other girl, the little one, came much later to their home, and almost by mistake. They had very good parents, which unfortunately were not spending enough time with their children, as much as they would have loved to.
And so the three siblings were most of the day alone, unchaperoned and doing all kind of crazy stuff, so that when in the evenings the parents would come home, the entire castle was with its up side down...
And as if messing things up wasn't enough, they would even stumble and fall at times, hurting themselves and scaring their mother half to death.
As much as they loved one another, they were al three very different; the bigger sister was gentle, more obeying and would try and stop the others from doing crazy stuff, but she would always become the victim of their pranks. She was very elegant and discreet, silent and extremly beautiful, being very loved and admired by absolutely everyone coming to visit their parents.

 The middle boy was big and plumpy, long and lazy, but once he put his mind on doing all kinds of crazy demolishing tricks, nothing would stand in his way. He was also very attached to his mother, who was always taking his side, no matter what new silly stuff he would have done.

And then there was the youngest girl, not to preety, nor too bright, very crazy and never listening, never being afraid of anyone or anything. She would have accidents often enough so that her parens were never letting her outside the castle alone, and never lost her out of their sight. She would always do crazy stuff and was the laugh of the county when she set her mind to it and her parents were giving a party and she would entertain the guests......

While the bigger sister was soft and elegant, the boy was sleepy and couldn't really focus on anything, except sleeping all day long, the young sister was as violent as she was crazy, beating and cheating the other two any time she could....
They would fight very often, the smaller one almost always winning....but they still loved each other dearly and supported each other at the end of the day!

:D I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the three brothers' story...stay tuned for real adventures!

duminică, 8 septembrie 2013

long time no see....

...and I have no real excuse, apart from brain exhaustion...which seems to have become a custom nowadays. I am working  for 11 hours every day, and once I get home I start writing...and writing...and writing. More often then not 2 o'clock in the night finds me on my belly in my bed...writing! My head is full of ideas that I can't even sleep, and if I am not putting them down on paper right away, they pure and simply fly away....
But I haven't started this post to complain about my busy schedule, as I am practicing what I always dreamed about, right? or almost...
Anyway, August has gone, as probably most of you know, and the summer here in Romania is starting to fade away, and depression is starting to sink in. I will hate it when I won't be able to go to work on my motor, and that is the main reason for hating autumn. As for the rest, I really do love the full vibrant colors. What I don't like about this autumn is my birthday anniversary, which I would rather skip this year....
As for my vacation, I spent it at Raca, but didn't stay there as much as I would have liked to, but yet enough to have a great time with my sis and my nices:
...which were busting my head to take them for a ride every day....but still, never forgot about caution and wore helmets...and paraded with them....

....and in general had tons of fun. I've also seen some pretty awesome places, when we took the train from Oravita to Anina- this is the oldest railway in Romania, and the steam locomotive used to drag the wagons is no longer in use, but we could actually see it in the depo: is an old lady made in Vienna...beautiful as can be...
While on the road to Anina, the view is breathtaking...
 ...and I must say it was worth it packing up to the blistering heat for the whole 4 hours of the trip just to see how beautiful my county is:

You just couldn't stop looking...and the trees in the forests...were something spectacular to look at!

We've also visited some good frieds over by the Danube, and they took us on a recognition party on a small river...but all that was left of it was:
..still the trip was worthy of admiration, as outside this forest and this ice cold creek there was extreme heat and it was just as if we had passed into another world. The green canopy over our heads made me want to lay there by the creek and spread my blanket on the grass and of course read for some hours, but that wasn't possible, as our friends had a baby with them, and are in general not the reading type.
This only made me remember one time at Raca last year with Blondi, when we were at about 9.00 pm in our bed, reading and my sister called and asked what I was doing, and I said I was reading. Then a long pause came and she asked me what was my guest doing during this time, and I laughed and said she was reading also....this made me realize more that this fact is something unusual, and people have other occupations for socialization than...reading! :D:D

Of course it's been quite some time since this vacation...and I'm already exhausted again... but it was well worth it, as I got to stay at my darling home in Racasdia for more than a week, and I intend to go back as soon as I can, maybe next weekend even....There are even some friends like Blondi and her bf that would like to come with me, the only problem I am encountering right now is to make M understand that if I wait a little bit longer to go home I will probably not make it with my bike, as it's getting really chilly, and the trip has still 150 km to go....and the longer we wait, the surer it gets that there will be no bike ride anymore this year...
He is also busy with his custom bike work, but I am just very sad at any weekend that goes by and I can't go see my darling home. We'll have to get to an agreement on this, and fast.
In another order of ideas I am glad autumn is coming, because my writing is at its peak during this seazon. Gloomy days really inspire me, whatever anyone might think...
I said as much here some time ago...I love foggy mornings, in fact last week I had to wake up for work and not see a thing beyond my apartment terrace....and I went to work with my bike! I was alone on the highway, but don't worry, it's only 13 km up to my office, and the experience was as well thrilling as it gave me goose bumps. I always loved being the passenger in cars and buses during trips like this, I was never the driver, and it felt strange but also gave me a creepy adrenalin rush at the same time. This might sound crazy, but it's the truth!
I am having a breath from writing for cash, but I do hope it's not a very long one, as it's really rewarding to see the "fruits" of your work, be it a petty sum.....
My head is full of ideas, I would like to write on my desired subjects, my books and novels list to read awaits, my home is a mess, my cats are driving me crazy because they are very crazy and undisciplined and do a mess out of all things, I am also craving to go outside on a picnic or something, as I've just tols M this morning, I would love to take a ride on any horse, and on my bike also...and all at once, please!

Now why do I even wonder why I can't remember what I had yesterday for breakfast, when all these ideas are swirming in my head? Should I even bother? And above it all, I've decided to put on paper all my opinions regarding religion and belief....just to top it all off, and of course to have it all in front of me and decide once and for all about what I truly believe in....
But don't worry, I 'll figure it all out somehow...someday....
On the reading side of things, I am reading an easy book on the life of Augustinus, trying to keep it simple, see?

..which I've borrowed from my friend Andy, as if I haven't got enough books to read that belong to me already.....:D... but I just can't help myself!

My next story will have to present the gifts I' ve received from my friend that went oversees in vacations, which gifts are all awesome and strangely similar...they must really know me....:D!
Until next time,