vineri, 29 martie 2013


           Yesterday Tunde came to my place for a "working party"...that is she boiled eggs and coloured them and I cleaned up so that our guests will find everything in place...
           Of course I forgot to take pictures of the eggs, which btw turned up really nice, but I solemnly promise to take some and share, and the working party was all in progress when we had an addition: Pusi, who came to support us! M bought her a lemon beer and us a bottle of good wine

and we were at some point listening to this:
over and over again. It has a nice vibe to it, like it gave us the necessary energy to work and finish what we intended to's strange what a good song can do....
          I especially love the part where Pink gets the guy by his nech and crashes him onto a table and he's all purple after that where her hand was...I don't know why that really works for me....
         I just realized I haven't said anything about my crazy roommates:
Sheeba watching spoiled Jackie with contempt
Tunde brought them this box:
which now has becom Paris' apple to Eisi and Jackie:
who constantly fight over it....what's this with cats and boxes? the smaller the box, the more they have to squeeze in, the better???
           I've spoken with my sister on the phone just the other day and was struck by my niece's voice! Little Flavia speaks! I'm just so furious that I can't be there and see her evolution! Last time I saw her she barely said "Ana", now she's speaking!! still not all intelligible, but most of it!!!
           They've both grown so much! It's just like they were this small:

only yesterday! time flies by so fast!
             That is just the reason why I am doing my best to live my life to the max and do everything I dream of doing, because time passes by anyway, why not feel you're alive????

Have a wonderful weekend, I know I will!

joi, 28 martie 2013


          With all this 3 years' anniversary of our Clubhouse preparations, I have no time to catch my breath, as  I've been working extra hours also...need the money, you know??
           I can't wait for our guests to come, I know we'll have a great time!
           Here's the invitation to the party, on the club's blog.
           It's really a bikers it's not for everyone....just for us and our guests...the boys worked really  hard to have everything prepared and perfect!
           Apart and not related to the party, and probably because I can't stand the horrible weather outside anymore, I am searching for a bigger bike...something like this....
so I just have to wait for Easter to pass and then I can really start searching...
          Would I look ok on a white bike?? Just like a white horse, right??? More on that another time...I don't want to bring my hopes up...just have to patiently wait...


luni, 25 martie 2013

Happy National Day

to Greece!
I just heard this morning on the radio that it is the "birthday" of one of the most beautiful countries, the one I was obessed with as a child.

So I thaught to wish a Happy National Day to all the Greeks!

            I was early on inlove with Greek culture, Alida, Geanina and I were always reading the Iliad, the Odysey, the myths and legends of old Greece and we knew each and every god and hero, what they did and all their beautiful stories. I will have to re-read my ponderous tome about Greek mythology some day,

just to see how will my grown-up eyes "see" these wonderful stories again.
In my "journeys" on the Internet I came upon this wonderful site:
which is very very useful. I've been reading here and there and it is really wonderfully done.
          And of course I will go and visit Athens and Crete and all the wonderful places I've been reading about.
 has many interesting documentaries about Ancient Greece, which I find the more captivating, for they are old.

          In another order of ideas, I rode my wonderful black Pegasus


          We trotted for half an hour almost continously, and although most of the time I was right behind Adina on beautiful Udinee, a nice girl that rides every Sunday with us, at one time I was alone with Mary on the other side of the hall and I just urged her with my legs and by talking to her, and guess what?????  

                            she started trotting all alone!!! 
                           no horse before or behind us!!!!!

          I am starting to love her more and more...I know this is not fair, as I am very subjective now that she's listening to my requests, but I can't help it!! I can't believe she's so obedient! Like, am I talking about the same horse that I thaught was stubborn??

 Where is the horse without a head, which whenever I wanted to turn left or right would just bend her neck like this:
is it just me or doesn't it look like she has no head??

          At one time I might even ride Isis, that is my small secret desire, I must admit,....but right now I am grateful Mary is listening and I can see she recognizes me, as she put her beautiful head, once I stood next to her, on my shoulder. That - I have to admit - melted my heart away like warm icecream....   I even kissed her on her nose! I don't really know what's gotten into her, but I love this new Mary I'm discovering each and every time more!
          I have no photos from yesterday as we forgot to take the camera, we were late and in a hurry, but my muscles ache is testimony for the effort I made is even worser now since we've paused for two weekes. I was even worried that I forgot everything during these past two weekes, but I have to admit I didn't get to feel  panic once I was in the saddle...I was waiting for that moment with to much enthusiasm probably! 
           Except for us trotting all by ourselves and the trainers asking me how I was feeling after that; there's only one event really worth mentioning: Tunde's horsie Carina, sweet and gentle Carina was very giddy and as I didn't believe Tunde last time, when she said that Carina was on the lookout for victims, she kicked us! I mean she kicked me in my right leg, not very hard, but enough to make me think twice about passing by her at less then four meters. Mary only scared a little, and that was probably more because I startled....but we were both ok. 
            After that, we learned our lesson, and just ran away from Tunde and Carina! but they were stalking us! We were amused yesterday, but if this had happened a few leesons back, I don't know how I would have reacted. I had a similar problem when we were that one time at Jebel, but back then the horse didn't touch me.....I think I'm just starting to understand them more..and learn who would have thaught that a horse can kick sideways???? I shurely didn't....

           That would be all, and as a conclusion I would like to wish Greeks around the world all the best and to everyone a happy Monday and a wonderful week to come!

           Thanks for dropping by!

marți, 19 martie 2013

My old books II...

             Would it mean vanity if I said I would like to know everything in this world? That I would love to know perfect Latin and Greek? And Russian!? That I would love to be able to read all the old literature in its original language?
             My curiosity made me search the Internet for copies of books and translations into the languages I do know...and so I stumbled upon so many interesting sites...each time I find something new and interesting I have to search further and further....I just can't stop...and since every site about culture has links to other extraordinary ones...I just search and search and search... and just get frustrated because I don't have the time to read them all....
             Last night I read up until 1 o'clock...and I am really tired today, my eyes actually hurt...but I just couldn't stop reading A feast for Crows....
             But enough about e-books, sites, blogs and other things like that...and it's time to present my other wonderfully old books:
An old book from 1939, that I received from an ex-work colleague, and it is preety special, as I looked it up online, I only found one like it and it costs as much as my salary for a week! It is in relatively bad shape, it has no covers and was badly sewn, but that doesn't mean the content has less worth, on the contrary...

 It is more than just a recipe book, it shows the table manners, the way in which a bird should be to juice an orange, and so many other is even a little bit funny, as much of the expressions are archaic and make me smile.

Then there are these two precious books about the region I come from and its people and life, the first about the outlaws:
 As you can see, it is very fragile and a book from 1913 would be...written by Damian Izverniceanu and published in Oravita, by "Tipografia Progresul Societate pe Actii" (Progress Printing House, company on shares, but written in a very archaic form!). Oravita is a small city 14 km away from my sweet sweet Racasdia
            I decided to copy the fragile pages and scan them and maybe put them on my scribd profile...
            "Haiducii Nostri" means something like "Our outlaws" and when I mean outlaws I literally mean people like Robin we had our own share of action!
 And again about Racasdia, my dearest Raca, here is my really precious book about its founding...
                Written in 1923 by Emilian Novacoviciu, the retired teacher of the local school, whom was like the local cultural personality at that time, it talks about how it was firstly established as a village in 1777 (it could be that it is much older!) and it tells its major facts until 1922.
                 It is beautifully written in our local tongue, with lots and lots of archaic words, and of course my family is in it, and it tells me from where my ancestors come. It also has a lot of old photos reproduced in it, and I don't know if it's the same Publisher as Haiducii Nostri, for there was The Oravita Progress Printing House, and on this one the Felix Weiss Printing House in Oravita is mentioned, and thus it could be that it only changed the name from 1913 until 1922; but it would really mean something if there were two Publishers in a city like small Oravita. Only back then it wasn't that small, it just stopped growing in time...
                 Isn't that awsome, to have you legacy written down? This book is very dear to me, as it was to my entire family, they even took it with them in the 50's when they were deported from their home in the harsh Baragan area. Maybe one day I will tell the story of my family's forced "voyage" and 5 year's of life in exile...
             I thaught about scanning this book too, and post it on Scribd, so that more can have access to the information inside. It is so old that I am sure there is no more copyright restriction for it.
             My village gave a lot of important men, we had writers and doctors and country-wide known scholars like Emilian Novacoviciu, and a lot of valuable men went for the big cities never to come back to their roots. They all should know where they come from, or at least they shouldn't forget.
              There is also a newer version, written in 2008-2009 I guess, I also have it, but I dont't feel it fits into this cathegory, as it is about modern Racasdia, and even I am included in it! (photo and all...:D).
              That would be all for today, and I hope it was a little bit interesting to see a small part of my village's history and basically the space I come from!
              Thank you for reading and bisous!

luni, 18 martie 2013

My old books...

I've taken the below photos some time ago, but saved them on M's computer and forgot where they were. A few days back I found them and decided to share...
I thaught about this children's book for some time now, and then when I went home to Raca I looked for it, and found it.
When I was a kid I always thaught the cartoons on it were grotesque and plain ugly, but now that I see it with my grown-up eyes I can trully see the beauty, as it is very original.

 I have it since forever, and it has no covers, they were torn eigther by me or my sister, and my grandma sew the pages I have no idea of the name, or editor...and that only adds to its mistery...the images are wonderful, though...
Then there is a book I received from an old guy...I don't even remember where he lived...I only know that my friend Ena found out from the papers or something about an old guy who sold his books very cheap and we both went to see what we could find. I remember going home with more books than I could carry, as Ena helped me carry my "capture"...and among them there was this:

...the fifth volume of the "Memoiren" of Jacob Casanova. I have to admit I never read it, as it is in German, and that wouldn't be so bad if only it wouldn't be written in Gothic letters...and so it is hard to read... is a beautiful hardcover.... only in the nineteenth century (in fact the book itself, I made some research- and it was edited at about 1890!I still have to search some more, to see if that's true about my edition...)you could still find. I have to say that the quality of the book went down after 1970, at least in our country, and I think that is due to the fact that quantity prevailed over quality. It's still not such a bad thing, as I am proud that Romanians read, and read alot.
 just look at the quality of the pages, the beauty of the engravings...
 Then there would be this Latin- Romanian dictionary...
 As usual for such old books, the year was not written, but I researched alot and found out that it was edited in 1918 by the H.Goldmer printers, and mine is the third edition, and not very easy to find. This dictionary also has a story of how it got to me, and as I love all my books so much, I know each and everyone's story of  how and where from I bough, I bought this dictionary in 2010 from an online second-hand bookshop, and I took it home in my big library. In the meantime I started studying Latin, and I needed a dictionary, but completely forgot about the one at I bought another one, which is not that old as this one, but still was expensive for a second-hand book...and now I have two Latin dictionaries, but this one is really worth it is old and precious!
 the previous owners added some words on the covers, and as there are more writing styles, I assume they all belong to different my dictionary has some history...

I think this will do for today, I still have some more photos of some beautiful old books to show you; and of course I've saved the best for last...
And I also want to be able to translate this page into Romanian, so that my Romanian-speaking readres may understand it easier.
So, until next time,

I know I'm late...and I know I forgot...but I trully want to wish a Happy St. Patrick's to everyone!

vineri, 15 martie 2013

cold weekend plans...

               I was so dissapointed this morning when I woke up: everything was white! was snowing all night. My first thaught went to my poor trees back at Raca, then I thaught that they were well covered with earth, so they must be well. Anyway, the bad weather will only last the weekend....
             I was invited yesterday by Kousmich to attend the Bookfest in our town, which I totally intend to do:
...and for during the evening I've made reservations for the Cinema; that is we are going to watch:
and I have to admit that it is due to this article.
       As M sold our old car for a very good price I have no means to go to Herneacova, so Mary will have to do without me this Sunday, unfortunately!
        I intend to have a quiet evening tonight, read some, maybe watch a good movie, cook something, and I totally intend to do the same on Sunday, especially if it will be as cold as today!
       This being said, I only want to wish all a nice and warm weekend!

joi, 14 martie 2013

Habemus Papam...

photo from The Guardian
       Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum; habemus Papam: Eminentissimum ac Reverendissimum Dominum, Dominum Georgium Marium Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Bergoglio qui sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum.

       As much as I was stunned and sorry for the retreat of Pope Benedict XVI from the Papal Chair, I am also surprised by the election of our new one: Francis. But maybe, like Crisis Magazine is stating, this
"is as close to the perfect bridge between the rapidly fading European era of the Church and the rising era of the global south as the cardinal-electors were likely to find".
       Indeed, like stated in this article which really made me smile (viciously), "Who would have guessed that the new pope would be a Catholic?", especially when everybody thaught that, after the leave of Benedict XVI, a younger and more modern Pope would be elected???? And instead, not without seeing myself this as a diplomatic blow as I might say, the new pope is even more traditional and conservative than the old one?? I would have to say a heartily "Way to go, Vatican!"
        On the same note, here is an article that shows the dissapointment of many as regards to the election of Pope Francis. I am thinking just "what were they thinking?" The Church did not survive for 2.000 years bacause it bent to the will of every new state chief or even the mob...but because it has done exactly the same thing during all this time. Have they no better arguments then the accusations of pedophillia, bribe and connections to the Mafia?? Do they really expect us to believe that I don't know which cardinal had connections to who knows who whom in his turn had connections to the Mafia? Really? I am sorry to dissapoint, but many of us are past beyond that, beyond believing rumours or caring for politic parties...

       Let us hope and pray that the new Father will be strong enough to face the strong "winds" that the Catholic Chrch is bracing itself againts for some time now...
       To me, he looks very capable...

I'll have to watch some Vatican related movies, this whole debate has opened my appetite for this genre....

Thanks for dropping by!

miercuri, 13 martie 2013

to see or not to see...

I've been wanting to try out contact lenses for some time now, but lacked the that I have to change my glasses I am more and more considering the lenses as an alternative....

As my eyesight is very important, crucial I might say....I have no idea which are day wear, 1 week wear...etc? I also have no idea which brands are better, so I'm a total non-connaisseur in this field....any tips??
Wish you a wonderful thursday!

marți, 12 martie 2013

My beautiful country...

Here are just a few examples of my beautiful country, I would love to be able to travel through it over and over again....

on the road to Raca...

Just wanted to share these wonderful sites... I get to see them each time I'm going home, home where there's peace and quiet.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

luni, 11 martie 2013

Back in tune..

Here I am back to reality after a short but intense weekend... I've taken Friday off to go to Raca and plant my apple trees. I've went first to Herneacova though...and it's good I did so, since yesterday I was a wreck and barely managed to crawl to Tunde's to have a coffee...and we realized last night that we had been staying all day long at her kitchen table....having coffee after tea and tea after coffeee...that's how exhausted we were... but let's rewind....
     We woke up early in the morning and went to see our horses...and it was such a relaxed was just us three (Aura, Tunde and I and Aura's friend, Irina I think, who was afraid of horses...ha... familiar...!..) and our gorgeus trainers Olimpia and Irina! As it was the 8 th of March and Woman's Day back here in'a a good thing Tunde and Aura both thaught about the girls and brought them I totally forgot about anything like that...and I even received a flower from Aura!! so all in all I somehow managed by, and the best part was when The trainers told us that we were all five going to ride, because they both will be riding with us. I think it was a spectacular view to see us all five in a row (me and my Mary more or she's not very good at keeping the line...just like me, so we're both helpless....) in a more alert trot than I was used to, but somehow I managed to do it all the way! And I was soooo happy! To bad that Tjikke, which our trainer Irina was riding in front of me had a springed ankle from a former training, otherwise it would have been awesome all the way, but it was still nice.
           It's strange how Tjikke, that beautiful Fresian, was so devoted to Irina and trotted with her on her back, even though she was not relying entirely on one foot a little at the beginning and the girls wanted to see if it's trully springed or just a streched muscle; but the poor girl didn't complain, jut went on, but Irina soon realized it's not working and let her be because she must have been in pain....isn't it strange to listen so to someone even though you ache? These horses are trully strange creatures....
            I won't bother to give all the boring details for others...I feel every move so acutely that I could go on and on and on...but above all that I just have to say that not long before the end of our lesson I managed to fully coordinate with my lovely Mary! We managed to trot so efortlessly and so easy together that I felt like we were alone on the trainig ground...I could hear Olimpia and Irina's voices shouting things like stay straight, shorter rains, and lots of encouragements, but it was all so distant, it trully was just me and Maryem....and we were flying!!!!!!!!!!!!!
             It was such an overwhelming sensation that when we stopped I took Mary's neck in my arms and kissed her on the spot, thanking her for that wonderful sensation, which I am shure I will never ever forget! My first trotting experience! as I just then realized all else was not trotting, it was just bouncing in the saddle. I have to admit I had tears in my eyes, Gosh! Now I trully understand why people love riding, the sensation is nothing to compare's even better than riding my motorcycle!!! (sacrilege, I know...but that's how I feel right now!). So we flew...
             I was so distracted that the only photo I took was this one with my poor phone camera:
which manages preety well when natural light and sunshine. As you can see, that horse is huge, his name is Adonis, and he trully deserves it, for he's a beauty! The guy is Nelu, one of the workers there and a very nice guy! I just realized that a huge part of my decision to go there for riding lessons is due to the people there, who are very nice and welcoming and I speak for myself here, but I trully think that the girls share my opinion, that the attitude of the people you come in contact with is the one that counts the most. And the horses, of course, but even their temper is the result of the work of the people there. I have only one example to give: Mary, who was so stubborn, wouldn't trot, wouldn't even walk at the cord, but now is so docile, and that is all due to Nicu's trainig, we saw the work ourselves, and I am feeling the results even better each time I'm riding her!
         It's above all nice to see smiling faces each time we go there, it's nice to know their names and they to know yours, and it's really nice to go there during the week (which is almost impossible for me with my crazy working schedule) and especially when it's warm, like this Friday, when we sat out with the girls and while inhaling that wonderfully fresh air, basking in the sun and talking about the horses we love so much.
          After leaving Herneacova, we hurried back home to take our luggage and go straight to Raca, but we were in such a hurry that we almost forgot to take the trees, but luckily I remembered...
           I took some spectacular photos of the sundown on the road to Raca, but I took them with Tunde's iphone, so I will post them as soon as I receive them from her, but instead here are some of my poor own from last weekend:

the green crops are wonderful

 And here's my wild jungle garden:
prune tree planted by me and my grandma



wildest garden

pear tree planted by me and grandma

the site before planting my new trees

      Tunde made the after photos, as soon as I get my hands on them I will show off...
I would like only to thank my two friends Tunde and Clauu for their huge help and insistently ask that when they will need my help in their turn I will leave anything else aside and help them too! Thank you very much!
       It's too bad Raca is so far away, other wise I would go more often. I love Herneacova exactly because it reminds me of my dear Racasdia, the same green grass, the same fresh air...the same lovely people plus the HORSES!
       I also received a wonderful new: Isis is starting her training!
Isis Soft Eyes!

<3 br="" nbsp="">
         I really can't explain why, but I adore this girl! She's still wild, I won't be able to ride her for a few years now, but I feel her so gentle! She's the only horse that stays still and I can kiss her on her beautiful face! She's very gentle and when I said she looks like Eisidisi I had no idea she had the same temper....I would love to see Nicu working with her... and she's the first horse I touched at Herneacova, back in autumn...
         I was startled once I got there on Friday....when I started counting the horses...1 fresian...two...4 (four??) then I rewinded and realized that the first was not the new girl- Mery, but my Isis! If someone will take her from there like they did with Tjikke's two girls, they will break my heart! Some time before, when I entered their stall and saw that Isis was missing,  I almost started to cry, but as she felt agitation she went to her feet, she was laying down...phewwwww, what a relief! I know it's not very healthy to attach myself so much to a horse...but I can't help it very for Mary, I will shurely be jealous when I will see her being ridden by somebody else! Offff.....
         Here's some eye (horse) candy:
absolutely fabulous!
with Mary and Mery, and here's some more, with the only biting "snapdragon" at Herneacova, Sasha:
littel lying beggar

allures and then snaps!
and here's Adonis at play:

notice no earth contact!
       I just can't stop looking at those beautiful pictures....and myself as well as the girls can't wait for these two beautiful ladies:
Tunde trying to rubb both, brown Panina was pushing Nona aside!
very pregnant Panina

very pregnant Nona, beautiful photo

to give birth and we'll have baby horsies!!!
         These next two photos do not include themselves in the eye candy cathegory, but I think they show that I am more natural in the saddle than a few lessons before
 and I trully do not feel quite that terrified when I get up on Mary, the feeling of panick is starting to diminish.... much so that friday I went down from the saddle unassisted, that is nobody held Mary, but she's a sweetheart and didn't budge...and I even took her back to her stall for the first time! I would have loved to see how I looked next to her shoulder, as she's huge, but you can get an idea from this older pic:
I am the one on the right...being helped by I am a dwarf next to Mary!
        I will finish this post, but not before showing another beautiful photo of the new Fresian boy, whom I found out is named Dove...I think Raven would have suited him better, no?
love! love! love!
Bisous and thanks for stopping by!