vineri, 30 noiembrie 2012

La multi ani de Sfantul Andrei!

As I am Romanian (and mighty proud of it!) I had to write the title in Romanian, because I feel that this Saint, being the patron of our country, and by this meaning that he was the first to Christianize our ancestors, belongs to us more than to others. It's like St. Patrick for the Irish if you wish, only I must say I would love to see my country fellowmen being more enthusiastic.
St. Andrew by Jusepe de Ribera (cca.1616)
also known as 
 Lo Spagnoletto, or "the Little Spaniard"
source: Wikipaintings
But I will talk about religion some other time, since I am decided to make today a lazy day. In this respect I'm just watching some movies, reading some books, and surfin'..............the Internet, of course!

Here's something really nice for fashion lovers:

and something really fascinating for the art/ curiosities lovers as well.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Bisous and thanks for stopping by!

miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2012

Shocked and confused...

I mean I know that e-reading does no good service to the printed books....but I didn't imagine that the Amazon would be such a peril...
Wel, this article shows more eloquently than I could ever think of what Amazon trust is really like, and I must say I agree, When downloading free books and reading them on my Kindle I sometimes feel like cheating, and as a lover of the printed word I have to say that I totally support book shops, they actually are my main source of I am an avid book collector. Still, I have to admit that my Kindle allows me to save a lot of money, and if that helps me, an obessed with old books, what would it do to people who don't like collectig?
Well this is a strange and difficult subject, I must admit! As for the thaught of registering my kindle, I had an attempt, but afterwords I decided it would be better to stay offline, and it seems from this article that I was right. How is it possible to sell at an auction your clients database?? hmmm.....It's bad enough that I lost the wonderful initial wallpapers I had on when the kindle was in sleep mode, and now I have to stare at the unsufferable line "register your kindle bla bla..."
I have to admit that I didn't want to think until now at all the bad e-books would cause the editors, but I never dreamt about the other reasons Amazon accused of in this article. I was just glad that people still read books, I never thaught about the consequences this will have in the long term, but of course I wouldn't want to have all my second hand books retailers out of bussiness, not for a million free e-books!
In support of the above, here are some links for my Romanian readers:
 Anticariat Sophia
Anticariat online
Corect books
Libraria online
and although this is not a second-hand book shop, this is the site of my favourite editor, Prietenii Cartii, wherefrom I have almost all the beautiful, leather bound, quality paper collection books which ought to be in every book lover's library! They also have a vast collection of CD's from which I have bought almost all the Classical music ones! I just adore this editor!
Well, I am quite decided not to stop buying printed books, I am just more selective about what I should spend my money on, as I do not think it is worth spending a lot of money on new printed books, when you can get the same content at a better price, even though second-hand.

 Of course there are tomes that just scream to be had, like the ones in my previous post, but apart from that I must add that I think an used book has a story of its own, a personality, as compared to new editions. On the other hand, a full new collection can look mighty handsome in one's library... my Adevarul Muzee Celebre Collection on the top left of my small livingroom library...

On another thaught... here's some cat lovin' for all my dear readers:
 sweet sweet Sheeba
 ..and have you ever seen such a funny cat? she looks lik an alien!
 Oh how I miss Spring!
 ...I know...I know....already?? fact, I miss my home at Racasdia...

 As for the main idea of this post, what do my readers think? Do you prefer old used books or shiny new ones?
Bisous and thanks for stopping by!

luni, 26 noiembrie 2012

Drooling over..

The text of today's post was supposed to be totally different, but I decided instead just to share with you my new discovery:


Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to luckily find it at Carturesti, or another book shop that brings foreign for is really too expensive! But it is fresh out of the it is just natural! I will pursue this closer....and maybe I 'll be lucky just as I was with my dear "The Tres riches Heures du Jean, Duke du Berry" ! 
I must say this is yet another book to have in original, it can be no other way! This is a masterpiece!

And here's a happy song for our merry hearts:
Thank you HorseLoverMimi for this wonderful clip!

Bisous and thanks for stopping by!

vineri, 23 noiembrie 2012

quiet evening...

It's so nice to have a quiet evening....and the right company makes all the difference...

I like going out..listening to loud rock music, dancing, playing billiards, and our clubhaus provides me with all that during the weekend, usually on Saturday night. But during the week I am the sort of person that doesn't like going out the door once I get home from work. The farthest I like going is at my neghbour, Tunde, or a little bit farther, like 100 meters Alida's. I know....I'm lazy, but in order to explain myself I'll only say this: I like, on the other hand, receiving friends over for dinner. I really like cooking, and when I have guests I like it even more, since I know my food will be appreciated. I know, it's a little bit vain, but I assure you I have only the best of intentions!
As regards to the perfect company on an evening when I am tired, the best recipe would include  of course a friend with similar tastes, something very easy to make and very good: tomato soup (I'm sorry I haven't taken a picture!),then  maybe this:
 or maybe a nice cup of tea:

 an Artmark short magazine to see what's new on the art market; and a romantic book on my kindle (Deeanne Gist- Deep in the heart of trouble; which I've finished, btw!)...
 Ah, and as I am a simple mind...I really enjoy silly simple things, like fluffy coloured socks:
 and what would an evening be without my pets, or at least one of them creating havoc among my papers prepared for my next French lesson?
 I know this photo of Jackie is blurry, but I think it surprises a little bit of her develish character ...
she's the naughtiest cat I've ever seen:

 and Sheeba is the most majestic of creatures: for Eisi, he's the gentlest and laziest lap cat ever born:
...or if I go over to my friend Tunde I enjoy the company of the most spoiled and loving Baby:

 she's a cutie pie:
 And the ultimate ingredient for my perfect kind of evening is watching a movie which I prefferably already seen and liked! I don't have a photo from the movie, but I do have this:
can you guess the movie we've been watching? I've made a new obsession, as you can see from the photo above...and from the following ones; I've started collecting autumn leaves, what I will do with them I have no idea, some kind of arrangements...but what???

 I'm collecting them from the street, while waiting for our ride to work...see how small this cutie is???!!

On another tone, as I feel like sharing more of my crazy ideas about fashion (sic!), and in order to support the fact that I really am the kind of girl to wear sparkle during the day; here's  another office outfit I wore last week:

I have the necklace and earrings set from my sister, Ela, and I love it. It looks massive, but it is so light, it's volcanic rock. I can't wait for Christmas to come, to find presents for my two lovely nieces! It's easier with Teodora, she's big now, I'll buy her some books, I got this idea yesterday from my boss, who received this book for his nephew:
and to tell you the truth, I would like to read it too!!but I am a little preoccupied for the presents I will give Flavia...I have no idea yet what they will be! And for the others,...I still have to think about the perfect gift, I have some ideas for some of my friends...but I still have some time it to early to think about Christmas presents?????
I'm making donuts tonight, and watching the second part of that movie which you probably guessed... with Alida and Tarcea (it feels too strange to write her husband!brrr!)
You all have a wonderful weekend now, and we'll hear eachother soon!
Bisous and thanks for stopping by!

miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2012

An unexpected unexpected gift....

Well, not that an unexpected party...since we knew about it at the clubhaus, I'll later give a link to our facebook account where you can see all the photos (I don't have facebook access at work! where I'm posting this); but I love the first part of the title, since it is the first title in The Hobbit (I know...I know...I've driven everybody mad with this, but I'll have to see it in cinema!); still, the gift was really unexpected! Here it is with one of my faveourite pair of green glass earrings:
 I just love it! My friends knew exactly that if it's green, sparkles and is knitted it will be a really nice surprise for me! And of course, I loove it! I don't know, girls, what maddness drove you to buy this beauty, but Thank you sooo much!
And here it is in all its splendor:
see the sparkles???
I don't think I have an aquaintance (besides myself, of course!) who would wear sparkly green during the day...and at the office to be more specific....
but I ashure you I'm not doing it for the sake of posting some's just me! And blondy can vouch for me! It's not my forst, nor my last for that matter! blouse with sparkles...worn during the day! I've coupled it with my green tweed skirt and black stockings, but I got a little bit tired of the photoshoot, so maybe another time....I'll show you my ankle....:D....
On another's what I'm currently reading:
I'm almost halfway through...I'll post my impressions some other time...And the movie I've been watchin for three night in a row:

I just wanted to say my cowboy phase is somewhat regards my reading...but not my actions; here's what I've been up to during the weekend, and the motive for my absence from this site:
 poor trainer trying hard to make me understand the basics...
 ...and me taking off with sweet Daria...
 ...taking a curve...
 ..."swapping saddles" (hi hi) with Aura (whom I asked for permission to post photos of ! of course)... on Old Lady (we had no idea of her name...she was just verrry old...her bones were making noises all the time she paced)...
 ...and oh man was she stubborn!....I by the way love the photo above!
 I have like ten photos in this sole position...she probably got tired....since she didn't as much as budge from the spot for like ten minutes....
 ...then our trainer thaught that I could use some help....
 ...and here's our other friend, Tunde, the one I "corrupted" first into this maddness! Her Janette was stubborn to begin with!
 and then group photo, for which we had alot of help from our trainer....I don't think it's obvious from this pic...but my Old Lady was in fact the beaty in the group...her posture, her legs are longer, even her back is nicer curved...she was a real beauty in her youth, I must say! We trained for about 45 minutes (my 10 min. of pause near the post included!), but I was exhausted at the end! I loved it be shure to see some more photos coming soon!
Well, this is it for today, I hope you enjoyed your visit,
Bisous and thanks for stopping by!

luni, 19 noiembrie 2012

Monday spirit....

Well, it's not quite that kind of a louzy spirit, when I feel like doing really nothing, no no, it's another kind of feeling for doing absolutely nothing but being back home listening to Kip Moore:
..or maybe doing something reading this:

oh, I don't think I've mentioned why I was being MIA for such a long time; here are some of my reasons:
and wait,  there's more:

...and yes, I know it's kind of cheesy...but I really enjoyed them. Isn't that what reading's supposed to do?

A....and I've been riding, again! tomorrow I'll have photos, I really have to do something about this riding's too expensive, but I really have to learn it...and that's why I've taken yet another pupil for lessons, German Language this time, even though my time is already limited. So...I have to tutor in order to have some extra order to go riding.....funny thing!
At least I have something to be enthusiastic over the winter, isn't it? as I can't ride my motorcycle...
My next fashionable purchase will have to be riding pants and boots! isn't that nice?? and expensive??? over 150 lei! I just can't ride in my jeans! So I'll have to gritt my teeth, make some more lessons and RIDE!

You've probably noticed the "cowboyish" turn my blog has taken as of late, but don't worry, it's just a phase, or better said a new addition to my many obsessions, it will cool off...eventually!
In the meantime I'm enjoying this wonderful autumn, with awesome colours, not that low temperatures, but we could use a little more fog, have I mentioned I looove foggy evenings/mornings?Yep, I guess it shows I'm an autumn child, isn't it?
Ah, and related to autumn child, has anyone red A game of Thrones series? or have you seen the movie? There's a dialogue, when Catilyn says something about the new knights in Renly Baratheon's guard, i.e. that they are the knights of summer (no connection to my bravery whatsoever, I just rememberd the sequence!). Isn't that a great series, or what?

I'm munching on the last two books, I just don't want to finish the story until I have my paws on the new book. The action is just too nice! I've watched the movie series on vplay two times already, can't wait to see the new series!
If you'd like to find out more about this sereis of books, or any other in fact, just visit shelfari; it's a great source of information on what to read, and what...not to read! As we get more and more crowded, busy, interested, we have less and less time to experiment (or is that just me?) and I prefer to have some recommendations before loosing my time with some book or movie that I will end up reading just because I've started it or watching with my eyes closed (sleeping that is!)!
On another track here's a movie I'd like to see, but as I'm "saving " for the horses, I can't go to the cinema, but I'll rather wait to see if I can find it somewhere online...

I guess all my random thaughts have made you dizzy already, so I'm leaving now...until next time...
and thanks thanks thanks for stopping by!

miercuri, 7 noiembrie 2012


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Wednsday Humour...

Roaming the web for Shire photos I came upon this funny little article, and as you might know from this post, or this older one; I'm into the Hobbit fever once again. It catches me every year...for more than 10 years now, at right about this time of the year...and will keep on until the end of Spring!
This little article comes right on time after this video:
that I watched ever so curiosly last evening, and really enjoyed!
It's interesting to see that the site of the little hobbit village really exists, even though its new inhabitants, nice little sheep, are not as spectacular as the hobbits! It's a shame the owners of the land are not really able to make that into a proper museum, it would be very interesting...even if that far away in New Zeeland. Maybe they can shoot Silmarillion or The Children of Hurin movie in Romania, we have breathtaking sites...and then the museum would be much more accessible! I'd make a pilgrimage each year to that site! I worship these books!!!!
I find it fascinating how they built the sets, and how the awesome views really exist, how their weapons were real, the book that Bilbo was writing in was resting laizily onto the real-life desk while the producer was explaing lots of stuff about making of the new movie! And the costumes, oh my God, the costumes! While watching the three LOTR movies this weekend I started planning how to sew my own elfish about that?!
I just can't wait for the The Hobbit movie to hit the cinemas!!! in 3D!!!
Here's also a taste of the magnificent movie to follow:
I say it's gonna make a great addition to my Lord Of The Rings movie collection!

I also finished The Hobbit last evening, why in the world did it take me so long to read it? It's pure and simply awesome! J.R.R. Tolkien was really a genius!
Here's also the happy music of The Shire; it's the only song I've listened to all day long today:

Well, that's enough, you might say, about LOTR! Ok, I'll leave you be for now...but be shure to hear some more about the wonderful history of Middle Earth!
Thanks for stopping by and bisous!

marți, 6 noiembrie 2012

short shoe post...

Hi everyone!
Sorry to stop by so quickly, but it's quite crazy I won't have time to stay I decided to do what I do off my shoes!
And here they are..

...a little bit pointy...a little bit rock...and a lot more unconfortable! But of course that's not a real reason for not taking them out on a here they are...worn with pride! I looove them and I hunted for them for about a year, then I lost all hope to find them...and one lucky day I did! And I was sooo happy!
They are Patrizia Rigotti, full leather and my third pair from this brand, and I wasn't dissapointed in neigther of them!
This is all I can squeeze for today, feel free- if you speak Romanian- to read my other blog,
bisous and thanks for stopping by!

luni, 5 noiembrie 2012

Update on my riding day

Sorry for this long silence, I caught a bug last week and had also so much work that I just wasn't in the mood for writing, and I didn't want to spoil my sharing with you of my riding experience by some short-to-the-subject post.
First of all, I think I haven't had that much adrenaline since I first rode a motorcycle, which was like almost 4 years ago. Now don't start thinking that my life is no fun, it's just that I'm quite a down-to-earth person (no matter what my friends thaught of me whan I started riding a bike!:-P), I really don't like taking chances when it comes to my safety. When my colleagues asked me why I was so stressed out about going to ride a horse, I told them that it's easier to control a motorcycle, which does exactly what you want, but a horse is a being, it has a mind of its own!
I am so sorry that my pictures were so blurry...we didn't dare use the flash because we did not want to scare the poor horse, she was frigtened enough probably because of three crazy people staring at her!
I was really tense when I wanted to mount up, so I guess Lizette sensed it, since she pulled away and I got up only after a second try:

I had no idea back then how right I was about the horsie having her own mind! I mean it was almost a piece of cake while the trainer was pacing nicely in front of my ride...but after he went aside...of course I couldn't be firm enough as to make poor Lizette understand what I wanted, so we both ended up looking at a wall, I without knowing how to make her move either right or left, and poor her not knowing what was the desperate lady on her back trying to explain...
In the end the trainer came laughing and saved us, so then he probably understood that I was serious when I said I had really no idea about riding! I was even very surprised to realize that the horsie really shakes you alot when she moves..I hadn't expected quite a ride like that, and it took me some time to get used to the was like...being on a ship in full storm!
Just to proove to all my friens that I really was on a horse, since it's been more than a week and I haven't shown any photos, here I am riding:
I really was on a horse, and she was moving! you can see I also walked without the instructor, who by the way was awesome!
....and here's my daring friend, who was almost as nervous as I was...
In the end I began liking it so much that I wouldn't get down....but once I did so I started to feel all my muscle tremble from the really is not that easy, especially if you're very tense! I really feel sorry for poor Lizette for coping with my stress!
The funnyest part (it had to be something, right?) was when each one of us tried to get down...and remained stuck! taking turns, we each laughed of the one hanging by a foot stuck in the friend and my boyfrined both laughed harder, since I'm the smallest, it is harder to glide from the horse when you have short legs...and you're two meters from the ground....not that it was very easy for them either...but they still made fun of the little guy!

 I will have to see  Lizette soon, I really want to ride again as soon as I have some money to spare.
Unfortunately it is really expensive, but that didn't stop me before, so it won't stop me from now on either!
Here's one last photo which is clearer, all others are blurry, it was starting to get dark.

I really had fun even though you couldn't tell from these photos..even M got to make some rounds...we were all three as happy as could be when we left...all shiny eyes...and we made wows to come back with some apples for all the beautiful horses out there!

 I hope you enjoyed riding with me;
  bisous and  thanks for stopping by!