vineri, 26 august 2011


My title today is a little bit tricksy, for although I don't remember anything, being only 3 years old when the tragedy happened, I am still gratefull that nothing happened to my family or me, since the radioactive clud also reached Romania...
I remembered about this tragedy- that no one should forget- when I heard about Japan; but I also read yesterday a material on the net about Cernobyl...: I thaught to bring my own tribute.

I was trully impressed by this video:

...and I thaught to share it with you all.
I also found these photos which, of course, are not mine, but I think will not harm anyone if I post them here (you know, copyright is very strict!):

photo source: google images
           I mean only that we should never forget the tragedy, and at least send our prayers for those who suffered, and maybe we can spare a small thaught even today for those who are still suffering, even after all this time! Just watch that small movie, there were people with showels trying to cover the radioactive ruins with sand, do you really think any of them lived more than a few days after that? Or what about the chopper that crashed? It makes me at least melancholic....But! But all that makes me wonder about man's altruism, will and power of decision. Do not look for heroes in comic books or movies, for those are the real heroes, with flesh and blood!
             This is why I will always be gratefull to men like these, for showing the real quality of the human kind, which makes the difference from any other kind, which proves why Man is God's best creation ever!

              D'ont worry, I am not all sad, for we are going  to Racasdia today, remember?? We are very excited, although we have some carpentry painting to do, But we like it! And don't forget about the picnic in the forest, which I trully want to have!
So, with kindness in our hearts, and the the excitement that tonight I will see the stars alot closer, I whish you a great weekend (with lots and lots of fresh air!) and give you des...

luni, 22 august 2011

I'm dreaming for the land of ......

I always loved them, since my childhood, and I always ignored, as I do now, the "mature" people's advice, that they do not exist.
Any legend must have a seed of truth, that is an old Romanian saying which I belive is very true! It only depends on how much are you willing to belive, if you have a young heart and if you agree to the fact that we, with our weak human eyes, cannot see all that's surrounding us.
Didn't you ever wonder why animals can feel danger and changes in weather much better than humans can? mabe it is because they are so naive, so open to everything that is around them. I am conviced that it is because of the direct connection to the nature that animals have, connection which we have lost a long time ago, as soon as we've started eating other animals, and our brains began to bulk up, but at the same time our own connection to Mother Nature faded away.
Did you know that elves never harmed a living creature, never cut a branch from a tree, never stepped on an ant? that they sang in order to make trees give fruit and flowers bloom? That they were close friends to all other animals around them? Doesn't this sound familiar? Like I find this awqwardly similar to the life of Indians in America. Old Indians running free over the vast lands of America, and not the ones still left today, which are sadly fenced in reservations. Don't get me wrong, I am glad for them, these fences keep them protected from this strange world outside, it is better for them, although I would have them rather have all of America, which is an utopia, I know... so this is kind of my seed of truth...

I also believe in unicorns, I always loved horses, and if they come in a pack with faeries, the better!
Now won't you say that I have the fantasy of a 5 year old? that I am a little bit retarded?? You may say anything, I am still gonna say what I mean! I believe strongly in faeries, elves, unicorns, I believe that old forests have their own old heart, I believe the Earth is still trying to tell us something, If only we would stop for a minute and listen!

photos source:
Have you ever been in a forest?? An old, dark green forest? There is such a quiet there, but still you can feel all the life surrounding you. It is exactly as if you can hear the forest breath. The pictures above are from the forest before Cheile Nerei, In Caras-Severin, where I wondered in 2009. I have never seen such a beautiful forest since. The green was so intense, that at times it seemed that the trees were almost blue! It was beautiful! As if an elf could at any time jump from behind the next tree and ask us what we were doing on his land. And this is not such an old forest, I have been some time now in the forest above my village, Racasdia, which is old enough so as to scary me when I was but a child, still, I will be there next weekend, so I guess I will take my boyfriend for a forest walk, I miss the wispers of trees very much here in the city....We shall have a wonderful picnic there! In the meantime i called him and told him about my idea of a forest picnic and he was delighted! He's just as wild as heart as I am!...:D
I hope I will have time to write some more before I go, but until then....

miercuri, 17 august 2011

...about a new persuasion

I've decided to write my blog in English from now on...and it is not from snobism, but because my friends do well with it and it will be a good exercise for them, but also because it is a largely used language, and I want everybody to be able to read my thaughts.
Now, because I was missing for a log time, I will have to say what I have done, for this is the purpose of this site, to expose all my doings and my thoughts. I was out near Hunedoara for the weekend, where we had no mobilephone coverage, and anyway my battery went out on the road there; so I had a nice weekend with lots of rock music and few alcoohol, since I am not a big fan of it (not any more!..:D), and also a lot of motorbikes, of course. I didn't drive there though, since we left Timisoara very late on friday and I was soon glad I went as a passenger, since the road was dim and dark and I was very cold all the way through to camp. The next day was very warm and we had fun, I slept on a cover by the shadow of a bike and I had a blast:). The next evening was also cold, but I went to sleep early, and my tent was very cosy, so I didn't care about the cold outside. On sunday we came back and on the way the rain caught us off-guard and underdressed, but as soon as we all started to dress up the sun begun to shine and we were all very sleepy.
But we managed to come to Timisoara safe and with the taste of a well spent weekend.

That would be all for the weekend adventure, as for what I did on the 15th of August (my name day also...), while my boyfriend was cooking for an army which we expected for dinner I started to transform what he had brought me from his mother's garden...
...for I've decided to start to eat only healthy food, and most of all...not to eat any more meat...

One day I will show you why I made this decision, but I do not think it is time yet. As for myself, I started reading about veganism a long time ago. I am following some vegan blogs daily and I began to feel the effect on my own skin so to say...I am feeling much better, apart from the fact that I am pleased with myself for not being responsible for the killing of innocent animals. But more about this aspect in a future post...

Who ever said that you do not have energy unless you eat meat was WRONG! because I have to tell you I have much more energy when I don't!
And not to speak about my skin, it is lighter and more clean, and my stomach doesn't do me any more problems...but my purpose today is not to give a lecture about the benefits of veganism, but to brag about what goodies I've cooked.
As I said, my boyfriend was cooking, and I started to prepare my own food- stuffed bell pepper, from these ingredients:
onion, carrot, aubergine, rice and of course...bell peppers!
and the result looks like this:
I know it does not look so well, I overcooked them a little bit, but considering the fact that it was my first time...I may be pardoned for the aspect; as for the taste, they were really delicious. in fact, I have some today with me at work for lunch.
One thing I learned from vegan sites, and that is that juice in the morning gives you more energy than all the coffee in the world, so I, the true coffee lover, have reduced my daily portion from two big black  mugs to one little cup!
Instead, here is what I made today, and almost every morning:
...grapefruit, apple, celery leaves, turnip leaves ...
 ...all together in my handmixer....
all photos by: voila! best drink ever. I mean I just love the taste of celery leaves, I put them in every food, I eat them raw, but of course not everyone does... almost anything will do, spinach, cabbage, parsley leaves...the list is practically endless...
Don't worry, I do not intend to make this blog a cooking blog, but it so happens that sometimes I love to cook, and as this blog was made for all my passions, there will sometimes be posts about food.

As this is all I had to say for today, I wish everybody in this world a nice morning/evening/afternoon/goodnight and give all my friends and loved ones des...

marți, 9 august 2011

what I did last weekend....

Stiu ca trebuia sa scriu ieri despre ce am facut in weekend-ul trecut, dar am fost prea entuziasmata de poza lui Eisidisi ca sa nu ii dedic lui primul post pe saptamana asta...asa ca o sa va spun azi ce am facut in weekend.
Asadar, vineri am ajuns acasa cu o pofta nebuna sa incerc una din retelete lui Fashenzine, o domnisoara al carei blog il urmaresc prin urmare m-am dus la cumparaturi... pe langa bilute colorate, praf de copt si fructe s-a strecurat in cosul meu si....

ELLE romanian issue care evident ca am 'devorat'-o weekendul asta.
Dap, pe langa care o citesc in prezent imi face placere sa citesc si reviste glossy, dar in special Elle Romania. Ma tenteaza bineinteles si altele, de exemplu am vazut Vogue Franta, dar avea un pret ridicol, ceea ce mie sincer mi se pare o nedreptate. Ok, e adevart ca obrazul subtire cu cheltuiala se tine, dar daca si revistele, si cartile costa o mica avere (cam cat banii pe care ii dai intr-o saptamana pe mancare...), unde o sa ajungem oameni buni???
Asa ca mi-am retras mana de parca m-ar fi ars Vogue-ul frantuzesc si mi-am luat doar revista pe care o cumpar in fiecare luna: ELLE.
Dar sa revenim la realizarile mele, si prin urmare am ajuns acasa cu toata "prada", am facut cupcakes si am dat la prieteni, primind muuulte complimente in schimb (thank you all!), dar mi-am pastrat si mie o parte...pentru micul dejun de a doua zi, cand mi-am incantat prietenul si propriile papile gustative cu cupcakes-urile facute de manutele mele alaturi de o cana de lapte... bineinteles alaturi de ELLE, la mine pe balcon, pe racoare si impreuna cu pisicutele mele dragi.
 Este foarte adevarat ca daca incepi o zi bine, se si termina cu bine...sambata seara am fost pe langa Timisoara intr-o poiana unde ne-am distrat de minune cu mai multi prieteni, am avut si foc de tabara si am dormit la cort. Am cateva poze, doar ca nu am apucat sa le dau jos de pe telefon....dar vor urma...
Iar duminica dimineata, mai exact pe la 12 cand am ajuns acasa, am "preparat " un mic dejun asa cum fac si in timpul saptamanii:
...doar ca bineinteles ca nu servesc si carti....:D
Albumul cu Roma in limba Franceza l-am pus pentru ca m-a apucat nostalgia dupa Orasul Etern, iar cartea lui Umberto Eco este cea primita cadou de la o prietena care s-a intors nu demult de acolo...Multumesc!
Vreau sa mentionez ca gemul este de cirese, facut de Moi!
De fiecare data cand merg pe undeva imi cumpar cel putin o carte, si asta trebuie sa fie intr-una din limbile pe care le cunosc. Mi-am luat din Viena carti in Germana, dar si in Franceza, la fel am facut si la Roma, pe langa o carte in Italiana si mai multe in Engleza, am luat si una in Germana; si asa fac mereu, cred ca asa o sa previn sa "rugineasca" prea tare vreuna din limbile care imi plac. Dar, cum am mai spus si mai demult, la Italiana sunt inca la inceput de drum....dar se merita! O limba fooooarte frumoasa!
photos by:
Si daca tot am fost la capitolul photoshoot, am pozat si cateva fructe...doar placere!
et a binetot!

luni, 8 august 2011

a totally special post for today....

please give a warm WELCOME to our newest member of  THE family..............




joi, 4 august 2011

I got you under my skin.....

Ascult melodia asta de azi dimineata, si nu ma mai pot satura de ea....oare doar eu simt o senzatie de nostalgie cand aud acest gen de muzica? Ca si cand as fi vrut sa fi trait in vremea din "Casablanca"?
google images
Is it just me, sau femeile erau mai frumoase pe vremea aceea?
Poate si fotografia alb-negru ascunde imperfectiunile si invaluie totul intr-o aura misterioasa, dar, sincer, eu cred ca femeile erau mult mai frumoase prin anii '30-'60...
Fara blugi, fara hamburgeri si chips-uri...poate asta este motivul....sau poate si purtarea era alta. Mai elegante, mai "finute" cum ne place noua sa spunem. Nu asa aratam, finute , atunci cand ne imbracam dragut????
Am vazut mai demult un film care mi-a placut foarte tare...A foreign Affair (1956),
photo source: Imdb
si am ramas impresionata de gratioasa Ingrid Thulin ...
google images
si evident vrajita de Robert joaca rolul lui Dave Bishop, un ziarist american venit in Europa sa afle cum a facut un multimilionar (Victor Danemore) bani, si calatorind de pe Riviera pana la Stockholm si Viena afla ca de fapt acest bogatas a facut avere santajand fosti colaboratori ai nazistilor de prin toate colturile lumii; colaboratori dispusi sa plateasca oricat pentru a nu li se descoperi secretul, si dispusi inclusiv sa scape de un ziarist suparator. Ajunge sa o cunoasca pe Brita Lindquist (I. Thulin) de care incepe sa se indragosteasca, sentimentul fiindu-i impartasit, in ciuda protestelor mamei acesteia, care ajunge sa o si incuie in casa pentru a nu il ajuta (secventa care mie personal mi-a placut foarte mult). O Brita ireal de frumoasa ia cina cu un Bishop galant, o rochie roz vaporoasa superba, aceste imagini si multe altele mi-au ramas pe veci intiparite in minte, precum si intriga incurcata a filmului. Bishop ajunge sa coopereze cu un detectiv, nefiind sigur daca face bine sau rau, si ajunge la un moment dat sa fie urmarit de tot felul de spioni si contraspioni. O alta secventa care imi place este cea cand este interogat de catre politia (engleza....cred...chiar nu-mi mai amintesc si netul asta nu ajuta cu nimic, nu este aproape nimic despre actiunea din acest film...:D) si ii este testata loialitatea: unul dintre agenti incearca sa-l mituiasca, dar trece cu brio testul. Ajunge sa ia si bataie, dar scapa pana la urma cu bine si cu fata....

Ah.....old de frumoase sunt si povestile si oamenii.........mi-as dori cateva zile in fata televizorului cu muuult popcorn si liniste sa urmaresc cateva filme vechi de care mi-e foarte dor...
google images
Cpt. Ahab in Moby Dick (Gregory Peck)
google images
sau cu Charles Heston in rolul artistului meu preferat Michelangelo in filmul Agonie si extaz...
Pana la un concediu minunat in care sa pot lenevi in asemenea doresc la toti o dupa-amiaza linistita si vous donne des...

miercuri, 3 august 2011

red love affair .............

Azi am o pofta nebuna sa ma stiu de ce am senzatia de parca  ar fi vineri....:D
Mi-am "pictat" unghiile rosu aprins, culoarea cherry if you wish...
google images

 si daca nu as fi la lucru mi-as fi facut si buzele asa:
google images
...dar nu-mi place sa ma rujez la birou, prefer un gloss transparent cu nuanta de roz. Doar in weekend ma dau cu un ruj ca cel de mai sus; desi trebuie sa recunosc ca mi-a trebuit ceva curaj pana sa ma hotarasc sa ies prima data cu el pe buze in prima data a fost de Halloween...doar pentru ca nu am avut tupeu...dar acum il folosesc in fiecare weekend! Cum e si vorba...."Inceputul e mai greu"...

Astazi ma inveseleste sima inspira culoarea ROSU. E una dintre preferatele mele, desi recunosc ca nu am prea multe lucruri in aceasta culoare, dar intentionez sa schimb situatia chiar de astazi!

De ce? pentru ca Rosu inseamna viu...
google images viata buna...
google images
 pentru ca pentru mine o masa buna trebuie sa contina o feliuta de branza buuuna si un pahar frumos cu vin parfumat...
pentru ca este culoarea sosului de rosii, fara de care nu imi prea pot imagina felul meu de mancare preferat: pasta...
lula magazine site
pentru ca e culoarea de pe coperta de luna asta a revistei LULA, pe care tare mi-o doresc..

lula magazine site
pentru ca imi plac palariile turbate...
si parul roscat desi nu indraznesc sa ma vopsesc.....:D
lula magazine site
...pentru ca imi plac ochelarii de soare de mai sus imi amintesc de copilarie...

google images
si cartile cu coperta rosie ma tenteaza la citit....
google images
...pentru ca fructele rosii sunt cele mai dintre ele cea mai buna este zmeura....yum yum...
si pentru ca mie cei mai sexy pantofi mi se par cei rosii (btw cei de sus sunt conceputi de Chiara Ferragani de la, unul din blogurile pe care le urmaresc cu sfintenie zilnic)......
google images
si pentru ca asa arata parfumul meu preferat (Nina by Nina Ricci), si sticluta cea mai inspirata...dupa umila mea parere...

google images ca sa fiu in ton cu vremurile, pentru ca sunt tare in voga filmele/cartile cu vampiri (desi eu nu sunt fan), m-am gandit sa pun si foto de mai sus, pentru ca mi-a sugerat ca blood is life and life is in blood.
google images pentru ca bujorii in obrajori inseamna copilarie, inocenta si sanatate; si mai ales bucurie, pentru ca, asa cum spunea Audrey,

                                                       "..happy girls are the prettiest girls"