I've decided to write my blog in English from now on...and it is not from snobism, but because my friends do well with it and it will be a good exercise for them, but also because it is a largely used language, and I want everybody to be able to read my thaughts.
Now, because I was missing for a log time, I will have to say what I have done, for this is the purpose of this site, to expose all my doings and my thoughts. I was out near Hunedoara for the weekend, where we had no mobilephone coverage, and anyway my battery went out on the road there; so I had a nice weekend with lots of rock music and few alcoohol, since I am not a big fan of it (not any more!..:D), and also a lot of motorbikes, of course. I didn't drive there though, since we left Timisoara very late on friday and I was soon glad I went as a passenger, since the road was dim and dark and I was very cold all the way through to camp. The next day was very warm and we had fun, I slept on a cover by the shadow of a bike and I had a blast:). The next evening was also cold, but I went to sleep early, and my tent was very cosy, so I didn't care about the cold outside. On sunday we came back and on the way the rain caught us off-guard and underdressed, but as soon as we all started to dress up the sun begun to shine and we were all very sleepy.
But we managed to come to Timisoara safe and with the taste of a well spent weekend.
That would be all for the weekend adventure, as for what I did on the 15th of August (my name day also...), while my boyfriend was cooking for an army which we expected for dinner I started to transform what he had brought me from his mother's garden...
...for I've decided to start to eat only healthy food, and most of all...not to eat any more meat...
One day I will show you why I made this decision, but I do not think it is time yet. As for myself, I started reading about veganism a long time ago. I am following some vegan blogs daily and I began to feel the effect on my own skin so to say...I am feeling much better, apart from the fact that I am pleased with myself for not being responsible for the killing of innocent animals. But more about this aspect in a future post...
Who ever said that you do not have energy unless you eat meat was WRONG! because I have to tell you I have much more energy when I don't!
And not to speak about my skin, it is lighter and more clean, and my stomach doesn't do me any more problems...but my purpose today is not to give a lecture about the benefits of veganism, but to brag about what goodies I've cooked.
As I said, my boyfriend was cooking, and I started to prepare my own food- stuffed bell pepper, from these ingredients:
onion, carrot, aubergine, rice and of course...bell peppers!
and the result looks like this:
I know it does not look so well, I overcooked them a little bit, but considering the fact that it was my first time...I may be pardoned for the aspect; as for the taste, they were really delicious. in fact, I have some today with me at work for lunch.
One thing I learned from vegan sites, and that is that juice in the morning gives you more energy than all the coffee in the world, so I, the true coffee lover, have reduced my daily portion from two big black mugs to one little cup!
Instead, here is what I made today, and almost every morning:
...grapefruit, apple, celery leaves, turnip leaves ...
...all together in my handmixer....
all photos by: anasblogana.blogspot.com |
...et voila! best drink ever. I mean I just love the taste of celery leaves, I put them in every food, I eat them raw, but of course not everyone does... almost anything will do, spinach, cabbage, parsley leaves...the list is practically endless...
Don't worry, I do not intend to make this blog a cooking blog, but it so happens that sometimes I love to cook, and as this blog was made for all my passions, there will sometimes be posts about food.
As this is all I had to say for today, I wish everybody in this world a nice morning/evening/afternoon/goodnight and give all my friends and loved ones